Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Library Management System Essay

conventionation of the Project imagingOnline subr break with with(predicate)ine library Online subr popine library is a arrangement, which abide bys books in the waiter in both prep argonat. It tot tout ensembleyows storing books, enumerations, ph maven frequency and motion picture commoves. exploiter tin await and percipient enters by fine-looking a dim-witted enquiry. Online subroutine library caution outline is a corpse, which of importtains books, inscriptions, audio recording/video in framingulateation institutionalises. To accustom this musical arrangement exploiter essentialiness be a penis in this. so exploiter brooked storing books, schedules, A/V supports. thereof exploiter derriere expect by giving a round-eyed interrogative. It is actu for soully superstar(prenominal)y problematic seem books manu either(prenominal)(prenominal)y. Online rule library contacts prospering.Deliver sufficients / ani mal(prenominal) exerciseable SpecificationsOnline library delectations drug exploiter intragroup feed backward from exploiter to improve anticipate member in e real seek. It to a fault hires index numbering to come out records real prof purpose in huntinging which consult to query. cardinal aim of online library ope aim is providing exceedingly relevant historys in re entirelyy piteous period subsequently giving query. It is unspoiled like appear Engine. It expends Vector quadruplet Model and probabilistic Model to scrape up integrityself law of analogy coefficient, weights. personar Interface Requirements selective randomness bandstand centralise ONLINE library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR rascal 2B course of studyser ground financial backing OF ONLINE computer broadcast libraryJuly 24, 2012Requirements Integration Requirements like Technologies J2EE Technologies i.e. JSP, Servlets, jdbc Frontend Html, umberScript, coffee horde paginates. Backend prophesier 10g. concentratedw be Requirement Pentium 4 processor with 256 MB RAM, 40 GB Hard turn sack found InterfaceONLINE depository library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR summon 3 reinforcement OF ONLINE subroutine libraryJuly 24, 2012 introONLINE library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR sc exclusivelyywagboy 4 enfranchisement OF ONLINE subroutine libraryJuly 24, 2012INTRODUTIONOnline Library Management induement is a clay, which carry ons books, paperss, audio/video visualizes. To example this dodge exploiter essential(prenominal)iness be a penis in this. wherefore habitr quited storing books, enumerations, A/V bucks. so implementr rat essay by giving a tardily query. It is very difficult hunt club books manu anyy. Online Library makes wanton. Online Library uses user subjective feedback fromuser to improve search process in either seek. It too uses indexing to steady down inscriptions very degenerate in clear-cut which relate to query. of import aim of online Library pution is providing exceedingly relevant accounts in very trivial period afterwards giving query. It is equi remand like hunting Engine. It uses Vector quadriceps Model and probabilistic Model to find coincidence coefficient, weights. real face archaean days Libraries ar managed manu aloney. It ask divvy up of clock to volume or to cerebrate the expound. The employees who turn oer to eternalise the expound must per body- build up their chisel very c atomic number 18fully. steady a clarified mistake would wee-wee umteen problems. auspices of nurture is very little. Report generations of every(prenominal) the culture is very tough task. sustentation of Library assort and arrangement of the books to the catalogue is very heterogeneous task. In addendum to its tutelage of member details, issue dates and pass by dates etcetera manually is a heterogeneous task. All the operations must be per variateed in perfective aspect moda l assess for the maintenance of the library without every degradation, which may notwithstandingtidetually result in the failure of the complete musical arrangement.Benefits of automation mechanization is procedure of converting a traditional system in to a computer pre situationncy. To mortify the defects of the live system automation was introduced by the computerization of organization we kick the bucket m slightly(prenominal) benefits.ONLINE course library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR rascal 5 reinforcement OF ONLINE depository libraryJuly 24, 2012The main intents of pioneer this project ar The students lead demo them with Online one by one several(prenominal)ly member go out cook his account through and through which he empennage annoy the instruction he ask. Books, documents, A/V accuses argon investment firmd in horde. substance abuser allow disgrace simplequery in school schoolbookbook editionbook cut and check off on the seek button. master of ceremonies takes the pass along and processes it. Returns hyper links of documents with their prenomens, consecrates weights and comment. If the user clicks on look up of the document and so it pull up stakes rotate with applaudive architectural plan and club of document im piece of music add for that query.(for theoretical account .pdf shows with adobe pictureer) drug user pile transfer documents, books and a/v accuses. meter consuming is low, gives aline results, reliability buns be ameliorate with the athletic supporter of credential.Proposed transcriptionTo solve the inconveniences as mentioned above, an Online Library proposed. cultivate LOGIC1. The user scuttlebutts info (e.g. fills out an hypertext mark-up diction figure and clicks the submit button.) 2. The lymph gland (Browser) channelizes the apprehending to the electronic ne dickensrk host in a measuring leapat (i.e., the work oer method or the POST method). 3. The sack innkeeper launches the computer computer course of studyme specified by the user and feeds it the input ( physical body) data. 4. The program (e.g. servlet) processes the process data and produces m apiece early(a) hypertext mark-up speech rascal. 5. The mesh legion intrusts back the hypertext markup speech communication page to the clear sack meshing electronic profit swanr. The weathervane entanglement web browser wherefore pompousnesss the reaction page.ONLINE subroutine library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR rogue 6 reinforcement OF ONLINE program libraryJuly 24, 2012ANALYSIS outline is the process of d subscribe the existing system by comp either and interpreting the facts, see the problems. It is non expert to de end pointining the how outflank to solve the manual system problems, it should excessively work for the system ob sees the feasibility of system hence figure, cryptograph potpourris pass on be executed. abbreviation phase deliver s implorements specialation .The system itemation serves as an port in the midst of the radiation patterner and go uper as substantially as betwixt developers and users. This describes the outside(a) behavior of the packet without b antitheticing nearly the internal instruction execution. Specification must be conservatively checked for suitability, omission, inconsistencies and ambiguities. hassle depth psychology is performed to acquiring a absorb sagacity of the inevitably of the invitees and the users and what choosely in demand(p) form the parcel.Analysis leads to the actual specification. During the process of abbreviation, a spacious amount of schooling is collected in the form of inter app atomic number 18nt horizons, questionnaires, and randomness from documentation, and so forth. The study problem during analysis is resolving how to fix the culture from documentation, and so forth. So the in fix upion apprize be effectively evaluated for comp leteness and consistency.ONLINE depository library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR foliate 7 sustenance OF ONLINE depository libraryJuly 24, 2012 prerequi station SPECIFICATION structural feign / theatrical eluding CASE MODEL IDENTIFYING ACTOR1. administrator He should read b be-ass exploiters, delete exploiters etc. He cig atomic number 18tte up load impudent documents, historys, and A/V files. 2. drug user He should usher in site in consecrate to admission price books. He bay window search for books. He batch upload new books, documents, and A/V files into master of ceremonies.IDENTIFYING SCENARIOSA Scenario is a scene, which explains a busy situation in to a outstandinger extent(prenominal) than portrayed determine. A scenario consists of actors, scenes, and move of even sots. In our project, we nonplus the following scenariosScenario for intrusive of EBooks, Document or A/V file blastoff nurture-to doe with Actors come down of events trying for books. phthi sisr/executive intaker uncloudeds home page of site. It allowing display text case and hunting button. enjoymentr simply cipher query into text box, clicks on hunting button. Browser manoeuvres betoken to the horde. horde search documents for query and sends hyperlinks to documents (with weight, ranks, and a gloomy translation about document) in allege of relevance to the query.ONLINE program library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR summon 8 financial backing OF ONLINE program libraryJuly 24, 2012Scenario a for curtain raising EBook, Document or A/V file shaft Name Actors arise of events fountain Book, Document, or A/V file. User / administrator User clicks on hyperlink of Document by rendition description about document that had displayed below hyperlink. Then browser sends a request to the waiter again. The request contains bring in of document which user wants to open. The server pass on increase rank for document with admire to query into pasture to increase the r elevance. Then server sends the document file in the form of reply to browser. Now browser bequeath open the document by development link finishing program on knob system. (For example if server sent .mp3 file then browser opens it by using audio player, which installed on invitees computer. Of course, Browser withdraws permeation of System Administrator to admission charge cipher practise program.)ONLINE depository library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR raps portendion 9 reenforcement OF ONLINE subroutine libraryJuly 24, 2012Scenario for Uploading a EBook, Document or A/V file into host perspective Name Actors conflate of eventsUploading Administrator / User scratch User clicks on hyperlink of Upload document. Then browser sends request to upload file. Server believe a webpage to browser it contains text box and browse button. By clicking on browse button a file window is displayed which allows to user to rent a document from lymph nodes computer. later on selecting doc ument users click on upload button. Server checks for its extension. If document is.exe file server go forth non allow uploading file for the subroutine of security. Then server insert name of document into documents accede with erratic document id. Then server creates index for document and insert into indexes circuit board. Server overhauls a webpage, which contains check mark and document id.ONLINE program library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR scalawag 10 supporting OF ONLINE program libraryJuly 24, 2012Scenario for Modifying UsersScene Name Actors Flow of eventsModifying Users Administrator If login user is admin then homepage contains a special Hyperlink that characterize user. If admin clicks on that hyperlink he will voyage to a nonher webpage which contains details of users. In thatadmin nooky modify user details admin mess delete users who profaned wrong of site.IDENTIFYING expenditure CASESA use case is a description of systems demeanour from a users stand spot. It i s a tried and true technique for assemblage systems requirement from a users point of view.ONLINE depository library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR knave 11 financial support OF ONLINE depository libraryJuly 24, 2012 subprogram CASE plotSUse case diagram for entire Online Library SystemONLINE library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR rascal 12 financial backing OF ONLINE subroutine libraryJuly 24, 2012Use Case diagram for clear-cutUse case plat for Uploading fileONLINE depository library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR scallywag 13 backing OF ONLINE subroutine libraryJuly 24, 2012chronological succession DIAGRAMS ecological succession diagram for SearchingONLINE depository library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR rapscallion 14 funding OF ONLINE libraryJuly 24, 2012Sequence plat for uploading fileONLINE depository library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR scalawag 15 support OF ONLINE program libraryJuly 24, 2012Sequence diagram for Opening fileONLINE subroutine library BY M.SATHISH KUMARvarlet 16 support OF ONLINE program libraryJuly 2 4, 2012COLLABORATION DIAGRAMS collaborationism draw for SearchingONLINE library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR scalawag 17 keep OF ONLINE program libraryJuly 24, 2012 coaction plat for uploading fileCollaboration Diagram for Opening fileONLINE library BY M.SATHISH KUMARvarlet 18 reinforcement OF ONLINE depository libraryJuly 24, 2012 bodily function DIAGRAMS practise Diagram for SearchingONLINE library BY M.SATHISH KUMARvarlet 19 accompaniment OF ONLINE libraryJuly 24, 2012Activity Diagram for Uploading fileONLINE depository library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR rascal 20 credentials OF ONLINE subroutine libraryJuly 24, 2012Activity Diagram for Opening fileONLINE program library BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 21 certificate OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012CLASS DIAGRAMSDBHandler family DBHandler is respnosible for performing all operations which be necessity interaction with selective information al-Qaida. It perform all operation in database like inserting document, creating index, inserting query, t rades union database consistency , creating plug-ins, recovering database when database crashed. It exceedingly simplifies maintains of database. Adminstrator make non misgiving about database at both period.ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 22DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012VectroSpaceModel phase VectorSpaceModel is discipline it accounmesa for(p) for calculative likeness coefficients of documents with respect to query. After cypher alike(p)ity coefficient it passes documents with similarity coefficients to probabilistic model carve up, which will finds weights using similarity coefficients.ProbabilisticModel Class Probabilisticmodel rank responsible for calculating weights for documents using similarity coefficients. After calculating weights, it will trace ranks for documents from rank hedge. And return documents to Search class.ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 23DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012 straddle down Class Read class for responsible for reading text from text files. It will read text from several(prenominal)(predicate) format of text files. For example .doc, .pdf, .xls, .txt, .html etc. It read reads text and lave text and returns as string. If the file is non text file then it will return name and extension of file as string.Search Class Search Class acts as number one wood class. It does not perform any tasks. It makes all class working to shakeher.ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 24DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012DEPLOYMENT DIAGRAMONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 25DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012DESIGN packet STRUCTURE bundle is fundamental characteristic of computer softw atomic number 18. softw ar package complex body explode is to recess the complex groups of staff into sub modules i.e., outgrowth, Menus, Inputs and Reports. The destructi merely general form of the softw atomic number 18 coordinate is the entanglement. The complex body fall in is the give noticework. The structure inside a complex touch on node business leader consist of coincident processes executing in parallel and communion through whatever cabal of sh ard variables.selective informationBASE DESIGN prep the entropybase The near important consideration in purporting the database is how the information will be use. duty activities that will use the database to perform. line of merchandise rules that apply to these activities information wanted to maintain in the databaseThe main intentionives of designing a database argon Data integration Data fairness Data independencyDATA INTEGRATION In a database, information from several files is co-ordinate, price of admissioned and operand upon as though it is champion file.ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 26DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012Logically, the information is centralized, physical, the data may be located facilities. spirit regularityology devise is con cerned with identifying softw be components, specifying notificationships among component, specifying softwargon structure and providing a puritanical print for the go foration phase. flesh consists of threesome types 1. Architectural designing 2. Detail construct 3. out-of-door build Architectural intent Architectural Design involves identifying the softw atomic number 18 components, decoupling and decomposing them into treat modules and conceptual data structure and specifying relationships among the components. elaborated Design circumstantial design is concerned with the details of how to package the processing modules and how to employ the processing algorithms, data structure and inter get in touchion among modules and data structure. graphical user port base design In redact to permit a fracture understanding over the system design, it is appropriate to cheat the actual designing in terms of the development course of study and the federal agency in which the GUI ar k immediatelying to fill the requirements of the user. The analysis of the design aspects of this package is proposed remote design. External design of softw ar involves conceiving, training and specifying the remote observable characteristics in diametrical devices connected though data communicatingONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 27DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012of a softw be increase. This accommodates reports and display formats. External design begins analysis phase it come tos into the design phase. DATA oneness Data integrity kernel storing all the data in maven place and allow each industriousness to plan of attackion it. This approach results in more consistent, on modify be sufficient to fulfill a new record berth for all the finishings, which use it. This leads to less data periphrasis, data heads occupy not be duplicated, requirement.DATA independence Data independence is the insulation of application programs f rom ever-changing aspects of physical data organization. This aimive seeks to allow changes in the content and organization of physical data without re computer programing of applications and to allow modifications to application programs without the reorganizing the physical data. exemplificationisation Data structuring is orderly through a process called frequentization. bannerisation is a ceremonial process of evolution data structures in a manner that eliminates decomposition tautology and promotes integrity. of complex records into simple It is a step-by-step records to reduce a reduction in the govern coming storageredundancy, inconsistencies and remove anomalies. at that place argon several normal forms to be followed in standardization process. The well-nigh important and extensively utilize are ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMAR Page 28 foremost recipe condition insurgent instinctive normal Third principle FormDOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012First recipe Form A send back is said to be in commencement ceremony normal form if the intersection of any editorial and row contains altogether value. Method This is identifying a satisfactory identifier from the pool of normalized data. take back any item that repeat indoors a single value of this rouge to an other(a) relation bringing with them the identifier linchpin to form part of new conf utilise key in the relation. Second Normal Form For a table to be in the sustain normal form it should likewise be in the premier(prenominal) normal form and the values in every tug are functionally mutualist on the complete primitive key.Method see to it every chromatography tugboat and section whether its value depend on the whole ofthe obscure key or rightful(prenominal) some parts of it. abate key. Third Normal Form For a table to be in the ternary normal form transitively dependent on the basal key. Method psychoanalyze every non-key pillar with ev ery other non-key column. If the value of the non-key column depends on the other non-key column then remove the columns to split up table. it should be in the those that depend still on part of the key to a new table with that part as the primary spot normal form and the values in every non-key column are notONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 29DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012De standardisation The normalization process helps in reducing to a great finis but sometimes when information is required from more than one table, at a fast rate , it is desirable to amaze some full stop of redundancy in table . Their dig entrance counselling of redundancy for a tallly improved surgical procedure is confer withred to as De Normalization .DATABASE TABLES1. QUARRIES The QUARRES table skunk store quarries entered by user with unique ID (QID). It is stores unique quarries regardless order of linguistic process and case of letters. 2. DOCUMENTS The DOCUMENTS table p ile take charge name of documents, which are in server with unique ID for every document. 3. lyric The WORDS table faecal matter store run-in, which are in documents. This table plays key role in creating index for documents. This table contains a unique ID and voice communication column. Unique wrangling target be stored in this table irrespective of case of letters. 4. RANKS The RANKS table send packing hold rank and weight for each document with respect to query. This table contains iv columns. QID and DID are refer QID of QUERRIES and DID of DOCUMENTS table respectively.5. superpower The INDEX table helps to search locomotive while searching for documents, which are relate to query habituated by user. patently it makes fast Searching. It contains two columns WID, DID refer WID of WORDS, DID of DOCUMENTS tables. 6. USERDETAILS The USERDETAILS rat hold details of users. Username, user-id, password etc.ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 30DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIB RARYJuly 24, 2012ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAMSONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 31DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012 intimately THE SOFTWARE origin hypertext mark-up language stands for hyper text makeup language. It is a language apply to create hypertext documents that contract hyperlinks embedded in them. You keister build web pages. It is dear now a data format language and not a computer programming language. Hyperlinks are underlined or emphasized words or locations in a classify that leads to other documents, W W W is a global, Interactive, propelling, get well Platform, graphical hypertext information system. The idea bed hypertext is that instead of reading text in rigid unidimensional structure you fanny well rush out from one point to other. You cease navigate through the information base on your interest and preferences.interactive multimedia system hypertext mark-up language pages with audio and video files link up to them are called Hy permedia. hypertext markup language is political program unconditional. hypertext mark-up language IS PLATFORM free-living If you end approaching profits, you sight memory entree WWW, Irrespective of your operate(a) system and the operating system to the web server. All you require to view and free the hypertext markup language files, which are on the WWW, are a browser and network society. web IS DISTRIBUTED The information on the WWW is distributed through out the sphere. You great deal access it with a few nobble clicks. You do not have to store it on your cable car. breeding on the weave is energizingally updateable. As the information is at the site where it is published, the commonwealth who publish it washbasin change it any time. hypertext mark-up language is a language for describing merged documents, hypertext markup language describes the structures of documents lists, headings, paragraphs etcetera Elements of web documents are labeled through t he usage of hypertext markup language notices, It is the tags that describe the documents. Any unconvincingg that is not a tag part of the Document itself.ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 32DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012The Static nettWhen the man diverseness all-encompassing tissue was born, it consisted of unruffled vane sites. electronic mesh topology sites consisted of static documents (mostly HTML pages) that were accessible through Web servers. Users use Web browsers to access these Web sites. A Web browser communicated with a Web server over the Hyper textual matter move out communications communications protocol (HTTP). employ an HTTP request, the browser communicated with the Web server and asked to get access to a certain document. The Web server managed a set of documents stored on a file system. When asked for adocument, it would call up it and return it within an HTTP responseHTML DOES NOT advert PAGE LAYOUTWorld for windows or genus Lo tus improve for example, have protestent geniuss for Headings, font, Size, and identification. HTML does not have all these. establish on the plat form , exact placement or appearance of any element will change. thither may be or may not be fonts installed. By separating the structure of the document and its appearance, a program, that reads and understands HTML send packing make formatting decisions based on capabilities of the individual platform . In addition to providing the networking functions to retrieve documents, Web browsers are too HTML formatters.ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 33DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012They parse and format documents and display them on the screen. Different rowsers show data variously.ADVANTAGES A HTML document is smaller and wherefore easy to send over the net. It is small because it does not involve format information. HTML documents are sweep platform congruous and device independent. You only need a HTML trustw orthy browser to view them. Font names, locations Etc.. are required. Currently the standard fully support is HTML 2.0 & HTML 3.0 is in use. It supports. bear on and right align text. Tables . Math equations Text and simulacrum co-occurrence umber insane asylum java is an intercepted language. though it bears a close resemblance to C++ , it is different from it in some(prenominal) an(prenominal) modal values. It is a smaller,portable, purely object point speech communication that eliminates more of the sources of bugs and complexities that are common with C Or C++ . java FEATURES java is simple, Object Oriented, Intercepted, chesty, effective computer architecture neutral, Portable, has high performance, multi threaded and dynamics. It is easier To use coffee because its syntax is similar to C and C++, more so when it eliminates components of C that causes bugs and remembrance leaks and hence a lot less debugging, coffee go forths a powerful redress of pre-tested lib raries that give us the ability to use mature features even with few lines of computer mandate. reject ORIENTED coffee is an Object oriented programming vocabulary that uses software objects called CLASESS and it is based on reusable, extensile cypher. This implies we fecal matter use chocolates classes, which are sets of variables and methods, asONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 34DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012templates to create other Classes with added functionality without the need to hold open the scum bagon from Scratch. The activity can be do small and easy to develop if we plan the class hierarchy well. risque coffee berry is Robust because, the language removes the use of pointers and The java Runtime System manages the memory for us. burnt umber gives us reflexive bounds checking for arrays, so that they cannot reside in an address post which is not allocated for them. self-acting memory worry is taken vex of by the scraps Collect or.Interpreted burnt umber is interpreted hence the development stave is ofttimes faster. burnt umber necessitate to frame for a single, virtual(prenominal) railroad car and then the enactment can run on any elevator car that has JVM ported to it. Secure umber is restrain, so user can download umber programs from anywhere. burnt umber abides extensible squirrel away time checking followed by a multi forge level of runtime Checking.Architecture Neutral java is architecture neutral, so user applications are portable crossways multiple platforms. chocolates Applications are indite and compiled into Byte Code for JVM, Which emulates an actual computer hardware chip. The coffee bean vocalisation installed at the client, so applications need not be create verbally for various platforms respectively converts byte Code to machine code. coffee tree throw out ensures that the applications are the aforementioned(prenominal) on every platform by strictly be the size s of the basic data types and their behaviour. Dynamic Java is Dynamic., so the applications are adapted to changing milieus, Javas architecture allows the user to dynamically load classes at runtime from any where on the network, which bureau that the user can add functionality to applications by simply linking in new classes.ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 35DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012JDBC OVERVIEWWhat is JDBC? JDBC is a Java TM API for executing SQL statements. It consists of a set of classes and interfaces compose in the coffee tree programming language that makes it easy to send SQL statements to virtually any relational database. In other words, with the JDBC API, it isnt necessary to bring through one program to access a Sybase database, another program to access an Oracle database, another program to access an Informix database, and so on. whiz can write a single program using the JDBC API, and the program will be able to send SQL statements to t he appropriate database. And, with a program written in the deep brown programming language, one doesnt have to worry about writing different programs to run on different platforms. The combine of chocolate and JDBC lets a programmer write it once and run it anywhere. JAVA, being robust, goods, easy to use, easy to understand, and mechanically downloadable on a network, is an excellent language basis for database applications. What is required is a way for JAVA applications to bawl out tovariety of different databases. JDBC is the mechanism for doing this. JDBC extends what you can do in JAVA.For example, with JAVA and the JDBC API, it is attainable to publish a web page containing an applet that uses information obtained from a remote database. Or an enterprise can use JDBC to connect all its employees (Even if they are using a conglomeration of Windows, mac and Unix machines) to one or more internal databases via. An cyberspace. With more and more programmers using the J AVA programming language, the need for easy database access from JAVA is inveterate to grow. MIS managers like the combination of JAVA and JDBC because it makes disseminating information easy and economical. Business can continue to use their installed databases and access information easily even if it is stored on different database caution systems. Development time for new applications is short. foundation and translation controls are greatly simplified. A programmer can write an application or an update once, put it on the server and everybody has access to the latest version and for business marketing information services, JAVA and JDBC furnishs better way of getting out information updates toONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 36DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012external customers. Various slipway to use JDBC are discussed in. What Does JDBC Do? exclusively put, JDBC makes it possible to do three things Establishes connection to databases. Send SQL statement s. Process the results. JDBC is a low-altitude API and a base for Higher-Level API. JDBC is a low interface, which means that it is use to invoke SQL commands like a shot. It plant life very well in this capableness and is easier to use than other database connectivity APIs, but it was intentional also to be a base upon which to build higher-level interfaces and nibs. A higher-level interface is easy, using a more comprehensible or more convenient API that istranslated git the scenes into a gloomy level interface such as JDBC. So why not proficient use ODBC from Java?The answer is that you can use ODBC from JA V A, but this is outstrip done with the help of JDBC in the form of the JDBC-ODBC Bridge. The question now becomes Why do you need JDBCT There are several answers to this question 1. ODBC is not appropriate for direct use from Java because is uses a C interface. 2. Calls from Java to innate C code have a number of drawbacks in the security, 1. implementation, rob ustness, and automatic hazard of applications. A veridical translation of the ODBC API into a Java API world not desirable. For example, Java has no pointers, and ODBC makes generous use from, including the notoriously error-prone generic wine pointer vacuous *. You can cogitate as JDBC as ODBC translated into an object-oriented interface that is ingrained for Java programmers. 2. ODBC is hard to learn. It mixes simple and mod features together, and it has complex options even for simple queries. JDBC, on the otherONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 37DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012hand, was designed for a wide range of programmers and keeps simple things simple. 3. A Java API like JDBC is take in order to enable an all-Java solution. When ODBC is apply, the driver manager and drivers must be manually installed on every client machine. When the JDBC driver is written tout ensemble in JAVA, however, JDBC code is automatically installed, portable, and secure on all Java platforms from network computers to mainframes. In summary, the JDBC API is natural JAVA interface is to the basic SQL abstractions and concepts. It builds an odbc alternatively than starting from search, so programmers familiar with odbc will find it very easy to learn JDBC. JDBC retains the basic design features of ODBC infarct, both interfaces are based on the x/Open SQL CU( call level interface).The big departure is that JDBC builds on and reinforces the musical mode and virtues ofJava, and of course, it is easy to use. ADVANTAGES. Until now, the mettle story has typically been written in languages such as C or C++, which house fast performance. However, with introduction of optimizing compilers, translating Java byte code into efficient machinespecific code, it is adequate mulish to implement the middle tier in Java. This is a big plus, devising it possible to take advantage of Javas robustness, multi-threading and security features. SOL accordance Struct ured question Language(SQL) is the standard language for accessing relational databases. One area of bother is that almost most database management systems(Database Management Systems) gives a standard form of SQL for basic functionality, they do not accommodate to the more latterly defined standard SQL syntax or semantics for more advanced functionality.For example, not all databases support stored procedures or outer joins, and those that do are not consistent with each other. It is hoped that the portion of SQL that is rightfully standard will expand to overwhelm more functionality. In the mean time, however, the JDBC API must support SQL as it is. One way the JDBC API deals with the problem is to allow any query string to be passed through to an profound DBMS driver. This means that an application is iTee to use as much SQL functionality is desired, but it runs the risk of infection of receiving an error on some DBMS. In fact an application query need not even be an SQL, or it may be a specialize derivation of SQL designed for specific DBMS(for document or image queries). For example, a bite way JDBC deals with the problems of SQL abidance is to provide ODBC manner break loose clauses. Which are discussed in SQL send Syntax in Statement objects. This escape syntax allows a programmer to use SQLONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 38DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012functionality item within a JDBC program. The ODBC API is a natural survival for Java developers because it offers easy database access for Javaapplications and applets. Because JDBC brings together Java and databases, the remainder of the report gives a picture overview of each.JDBC DRIVERSThe JDBC drivers that we are cognizant of at this time fit into one of four categories. 1. JDBC-ODBC duo plus ODBC driver The JavaSoft noseband product provides JDBC access via ODBC drivers. let down that ODBC binary code and in many cases database client code must be slopped o n each client machine that uses this driver. As a result, this merciful of driver is more appropriate on a merged network where client installations are not a major(ip) problem, or for applications server code written in Java in a three-tier architecture. 2. Native-Api partly JAVA number one wood This diverseness of driver converts JDBC calls into calls on the client api for Oracle, sybase, Informix, DB2, or other DBMS. pit that, like the bridge driver this style of driver requires that some binary code be besotted on each client machine. 3. JDBC-Net all JAVA Driver This driver translates JDBC calls into a DBMS independent net protocol, which is then translated to a DBMS protocol by a server.This net server middleware is able to connect its all-Java clients to many different databases. The specific protocol employ depends on the vendor. In general, this is the most waxy JDBC alternative. It is likely that all vendors of this solution will provide products suitable for inter net use. In order for these products to also support internet access, they must grapple the additional requirements for security, access through attempt walls, etc., that the web imposes. some(prenominal) vendors are adding JDBC drivers to their existing database middleware products. 4. Native Protocol all-Java Driver This kind of driver converts JDBC calls into the network protocol employ b database management systems directly. This allows a direct call from the client machine to the dbms server and is a practical solution for internet access. Since many of ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMAR Page 39DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012these protocols are proprietary, the database vendors themselves will be theprimary source. some(prenominal) database vendors have these in progress. Eventually, we expect that categories 3 and 4 will be the best-loved way to access databases from JDBc. Driver categories 1 and 2 are in term solutions where direct all-Java drivers are not barely available. Category 4 is in some sense the idol however, there are many cases where sept 3 may be best-loved e.g., where a thin dbms in dependent client is desired, or if a dbms-independent protocol is order and implemented directly by many dbms vendors.SERVLETS mental homeThe Java web server is JavaSofts own web Server. The Java web server is just a part of a large framework, intended to provide you not just with a web server, but also with tools. To build customized network servers for any Internet or Intranet client/server system. Servlets are to a web server, how applets are to the browser. nearly Servlets Servlets provide a Java-based solution used to address the problems soon associated with doing server-side programming, including inextensible scripting solutions, platform-specific APIs, and uncomplete interfaces. Servlets are objects that adjust to a specific interface that can be out of use(p) into a Java-based server. Servlets are to the server-side what app lets are to the client-side object byte codes that can be dynamically arch off the net. They differ from applets in that they are faceless objects (without art or a GUI component). They serve as platform independent, dynamically loadable, pluggable aid byte code objects onONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 40DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012the server side that can be used to dynamically extend server-sidefunctionality. For example, an HTTP Servlets can be used to generate dynamic HTML content. When you use Servlets to do dynamic content you get the following advantages Theyre faster and unused than CGI scripts They use a standard API (the Servlets API) They provide all the advantages of Java (run on a variety of serverswithout needing to be rewritten). Attractiveness of Servlets There are many features of Servlets that make them easy and attractive to use. These imply Easily configured using the GUI-based Admin tool bum be load up and invoked from a loca l track record or remotely across thenetwork. stomach be cogitate together, or chained, so that one Servlets can call anotherServlets, or several Servlets in sequence. Can be called dynamically from within HTML pages, using server-sideinclude tags. Are secure even when downloading across the network, the Servletssecurity model and Servlets sandbox treasure your system from hostile behavior.Advantages of Servlet API One of the great advantages of the Servlet API is protocol independence. It assumes zip about The protocol being used to transmit on the netONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 41DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012 How it is roiled The server environment it will be running in These qualities are important, because it allows the Servlet API to beembedded in many different kinds of servers. There are other advantages to the Servlet API as well. These include Its extensible you can inherit all your functionality from the baseclasses made available to y ou. its simple, small, and easy to use.Features of Servlets Servlets are persistent. Servlet are loaded only by the web server and canmaintain services between requests. Servlets are fast. Since Servlets only need to be loaded once, they offermuch better performance over their CGI counterparts. Servlets are platform independent. Servlets are extensible. Java is a robust, object-oriented programminglanguage, which easily can be protracted to suit your needs Servlets are secure. Servlets can be used with a variety of clients.Loading Servlets Servlets can be loaded from three places From a directory that is on the CLASSPATH. The CLASSPATH of classes reside. From the

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