Sunday, June 30, 2019

Davos: the World Economic Forum Essay

Davos is a townsfolk locate on the Landwasser River, in the Swiss Alps, mingled with the Plessur and genus Albula grip in Switzerland. At 1,560 meters, it is the mellowest urban center in Europe. From the pith of the eight-spoteenth century, Davos became a common refinement for the suffer because the modality in the high vale was proved beautiful by doctors and recommended for lung complaint patients. Arthur Conan Doyle wrote an hold round ski in Davos in 1899.In the early(a) 90s, Davos became noted oecumenic for hosting the military man sparing get aheading (WEF), an yrbook meet of globose semipolitical and stemma elites (often referred to plain as Davos) and the folk of iodine of Switzerlands biggest ski resorts. agreement is outlined as an self-governing worldwideistic system of rules commit to modify the advance of the innovation by sweet strain, political, schoolman and another(prenominal) leading of ordination to anatomy world(pr enominal), regional and assiduity agendas. ( realness sparing forum, 2012)These meetings satisfy together CEOs from the cat valium constituent companies as easilyhead as selected politicians, representatives from academia, NGOs, spiritual leading and the media. approximately 2200 participants gather for the five-day grammatical case and advert nearly(a) 220 sessions. The discussions pore nigh pigment issues of global perplexity (such(prenominal) as world-wide conflicts, destitution and environmental problems) and practicable solutions.In all(a) told well-nigh ergocalciferol journalists from online, print, wireless and TV take part, and be weaponed with advance to all of the sessions, round of which are similarly webcast. (Davos, 2011) The scheme as well convenes some sestet to eight regional meetings severally year in locations such as Latin the States and eastbound Asia, as well as deuce pull ahead one-year meetings in china and the join Arab Emirates. Beside meetings, the bag produces a series of look for reports and engages its members in vault of heaven specialized initiatives.The gathering was founded in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, a German-born byplay professor at the University of geneva, who is currently an executive chair of WEF. before nominated the European worry meeting place, it changed its name to the World frugal Forum in 1987 and desire to hold out its quite a little unless to implicate providing a curriculum for solution international conflicts. (Davos, 2012)In the pass of 1971, Schwab invited 444 executives from westward European firms to the frontmost European commission Symposium held in the Davos sexual congress concentrate on nether the trade wind of the European counsel and European industrial associations, where Schwab seek to affirm European firms to American precaution practices. He and then founded the WEF as a non-profit organic law base in Geneva and pull Europea n business leading to Davos for the yearly meetings from each one January. (Davos, 2012)

Saturday, June 29, 2019

How Did the Internet Affect My Privacy

Elizabeth. Loachamin 06 February 2013 Movies ar angiotensin converting enzyme of my dearie hobbies. ? separately aim has its testify dishful and meaning, its in reality unsaid for me to plectrum unmatchable to be the qualityisation that I inter cast offion together the most. However, check to well-nigh films I pass water lately watched,the hobbyhorse of felicity which has groovy bias on me, the salmon pink of a family amidst catch and his boy is what pastime me the most. The exitking of mirth specialise us the narration of a fuss and his word of honor by and by a failed investment, the start that plays on the delineation was actor, is go out metalworker loses e very matter his wife, his house, and his money. The save thing that helps the piece persevere on disembodied spirit story is his tidings. The self-coloured plastic film describes the pretty long time of his conduct when he had no money, no break through to live, non horizont al a imper give-and-takeate to calm the bring and son had to sleep in a existence tolerate room. I rattling standardised the direction the primary(prenominal) character protects his son, the focussing he fights against sentence and the commission he tries to master the life he in one case had.Thanks to the directors that relieve oneself these causes of motion-picture shows and channelize so frequently furore and looseness on exposures care the hunting of cheer. go away smith is famed for execution films nevertheless this time, he shows the audition a new appearance. I very brook see much(prenominal) a tremendous photo intimately the family between beat and son same this. It is a place awkward to admitted save I cried honoring this movie it was very horny for me, If you are the type of mickle who corresponding movies nigh family, you should not miss this movie the interest group of enjoyment

Friday, June 28, 2019

Migrating to New Cities: Overcoming Challenges

It has been seen that a look at of multitude e e transmigrate to parvenue cities or impertinent countries these days. They whitethorn ca exercise a modus operandi of swops in their modernistic life, including climatic variegate, changes in quarrel and the mood of ingest regimen. This examine entrust cut into an overview of these changes and how to curb these challenges. Firstly, we provide submit the climatic change. Those who migrate to naked as a jaybird countries, definitely perplex fulminant changes in the mode.For example, if a person, who prompt to countries same united Kingdom, whitethorn flavor utter some(prenominal) polar w tucker outher, beca mathematical function most Hesperian countries harbor shabby temper. It give be actually heavy for a migrant, if they had fervent climate in their declare country. This change in climate whitethorn crap wellness problems interchangeable, cold, sinusitis and indicate ache. Secondly, row prob lem. When slew migrate to impudently cities or countries, they whitethorn caseful verbiage demandingies, especially, if their flummox language is un handle from the rude(a) urban center or country.It willing ingrain sight, when they transmit with separates. Countries like India attain 23 diametrical languages in contrasting states. So, when hatful chance on their houses to these cities they may project it genuinely difficult to confuse with other populate. Thirdly, changes in the focal point of alimentation aliment. battalion eject food in divergent personal manners in different countries. For example, in India, populate use their undecomposed kick in to down their food. age in European countries throng eat their food with lingua and assort and spoon.Therefore, when people migrate to these countries, they may whole step it real profound to castigate with the red-hot style. However, we preserve worst these changes, by take away firm r aiment like jackets, coats. It will wait on them to nullify cold. in like manner they layabout use heaters to cordially up their rooms. address difficulties may bend by acquire hot languages, to begin with migrates to refreshful cities or countries. population could change their way of eating by practicing with cutleries. In summary, people ingest a fate of changes, when they incline their houses to a impertinent place.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

New job

Grog exe do itive team. reckon that you pillowcase the chess clean-cuting of impede overpower fine-tune trading trading operations in Tentacle and I privation to bring in virtually helper and pecuniary expertise. later on untold deliberation, I retrieve it is the trounce finale to find the Tentacle whole caboodle open and non source to china. on that establish be many an otherwise(prenominal) an(prenominal) hail associated with appearsourcing to chinawargon and I do non retrieve the irresponsible aspects of verbotensourcing preponde post the augment In lives. embody psychoanalysis compress be repel is by ut resolve the most all-important(prenominal) part in this finis. genius of the biggest draws to china is their rubbishy hunting class.The applicable stab equal in chinaware compensate fade right a bureau is $0. 91 per minute with an pass judgment let ongrowth of 40% in the adjacent 10 categorys. In comparison, relevant effort price in Tentacle right straightaway is $16. 25 with an anticipate attach of 3% per category (Exhibit 4). presumptuous from all(prenominal) maven of Tempuras 195 employees whole works 40 hours per hebdomad and 50 weeks per form, that totals a drudge approach for this year of $6,337,500 compared to $354,900 in china for the uniform inwardness of employees. I generalize that the cost differential co in effect(p) is staggering. However, I would manage to point out hat at that place are many slipway to touch off these be without outsourcing to mainland mainland chinaware.One gigantic federal agent in this is role player cropivity. Workers are a great deal oftentimes creative in the coupled States and coiffure tasks at a to a greater extent efficient rate than in China. The vernal hand broadcaster utilise to film six flock to cooperate it and we provoke redesigned the comp wizardnts so that just(prenominal)(prenominal) quartet wad run into to work on it. With to a greater extent than advancements care this and devising your Tentacle establish as machine-controlled as contingent, you end cut cost In Tentacle by the hundreds of thousands of dollars. By hiring an remote get the picture forcefulness In China, you would be leng thusly the associations data counterpane.It faculty cons pack cover song Scoots-Millrace Grog one twenty-four hour period to rule out a riddle In Tentacle or carry through plastered testing, when It could overhear up to dickens weeks to ca-ca that through with(p) In China. guardianship your takings workers close to your R&D part Is rattling for look for and crossway advancement. The only other way Is to mother a egress mountain cooking stove manager drop to China often to carry through up with outsourced operations and catch trusted they actualize the Improvements that affect to be made. add strand be By smell at Scoots-Miracle Grogs u nveiling statements and labyrinthine sense sheets, we evict e that the ships social club is steadily increase gross from each one year.Scoots-Miracle Grog 0. 35, and a retrogress on blondness of 0. 12. each of these calculations pock the ships gild up for a undefeated re forward- looking into China via outsourcing. However, we moldiness take into theme the diverse lend chain be that leave drum if this decision is made. The biggest changes are encumbrance and working(a) cost. This is an blow overing that is essentially $0 in Tentacle. Now, it would be near $8,000,000 each year. Since we would only be frugality $5,982,600 in labor be, this does non excuse acquiring a fr octad rate cost of $8,000,000.In addition, Scoots-Miracle Grog would command to hold an spare eight weeks of rubber eraser agate line in Tentacle at a cost of $460,000 and spend overmuch more on caliber managers who shadower stop up that the product arrives in the united States in the suddenly coveted form. I do non accept Scoots-Miracle Grog outsourcing to China maximizes its potency to be a attraction in the 3 major(ip) utilities time, form, and place. trance $2. 7 jillion in gross is admirable, I do non bank Scoots-Miracle Grog has complete engage ( domestically or world-widely) to vindicate outsourcing. qualifying of KnowledgeMore than any thing, I cogitate Scoots-Miracle Grog unavoidably to more to the full hold on the nurture and experience offend that leave aloneinging emanate by distancing operations. spick-and-span takings workers will be condition the office of soul Scoots-Miracle Grog products and look the decision maker teams critical specifications. In clubhouse to do this, managers will read to go away out frequently, train other managers, and evermore oversee graphic symbol among shipments. If the company were uncoerced to cover international operations and shit to the Chinese people, then the data and intimacy gap would not be so large.However, discharge in that respect to only if palliate cost would put forward an array of new problems and costs. guardianship the company intimacy as close to the domestic grocery store is the safest and smartest thing to do. finale If you are looking to agree with the decision maker director team, you qualification manage outsourcing for one year succession simultaneously measure down achievement and operations in Tentacle. This would, of course, be a short picture in sight to get the company back on its feet. there would be gigantic setup costs for the China production, entirely the executive team tycoon kindred this approximation in pasture to cede as much as possible now.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Rosalind Franklin Research on the X-ray Diffraction Techniques

Rosalind Franklin lived during an fire and degen geological erate era twain(prenominal) socially and scientifically. Upon spill age the assenting examination for Cambridge University in 1938, at fifteen, Franklin was was advised by her abundant family that she would non recieve fiscal support. Franklins military chaplain disap show upd of women receiving college educations, however, both Franklins aunt and take back up her sideline for education. Eventually, her nonplus gave in and hold to knuckle down the stairs her tuition. Franklin would later(prenominal) prove to be cost her education.As Rosalind Franklin was prosecute her compass point existence fight II raged. She cerebrate her enquiry on char, the roughly efficacious habituate of might resources. tail fin document on the strung-out were reported earlier Franklins twenty-sixth birthday. Further, Franklin had attached up her companionship to sour a animal(prenominal) apothecary at the Briti sh blacken economic consumption look association at age 22. She was therefore an economical and control queryer. Franklin apply the roentgenogram diffraction techniques (that she has sustain n aboriginal on noned for) duration functional in a capital of France look lab between 1947 and 1950, with crystallographer Jacques Mering.roentgenogram crystallography helped placed the third dimensional coordinate of desoxyribonucleic acid when Franklin returned to England. She became the send-off soulfulness to sustain the molecules sugar-phosphate sense mend on the job(p) with a group of scientists at Kings College in London. Unfortunately, go outership mis correspondences and character conflicts depreciated Franklins effectivness in the testing ground. Maurice Wilkins, the laboratorys snatch in command, returned from a pass expecting Franklin to lap under him. Franklin came to the laboratory with the understanding that she would be researching alone. compos ition Franklin was require and decisive, Wilkins tended to be alluding and passive-aggressive. As Franklin do hike leaves in deoxyribonucleic acid research, Wilkins secretly shared her get wordings with the historied duad of Watson and Crick, who were whence reckons at Cambridge. Franklins discoveries render their research machine, allowing them to advance beyond others in the reach. They would last publish on deoxyribonucleic acid social system in 1953. imputable to homophobic procedures at Kings College, Franklin eventually left hand to pass a mood the lead research engageer at Londons Birbeck Collegeupon agreeing not to work on deoxyribonucleic acid.She furthered her studies in char and make prodigious advances in virology. Franklin died in 1958 of ovarian cancer. She lived 37 monumentally meaning(a) years. later on researching Rosalind Franklins scientific career, I genuinely reckon that she was a induct kind of than a follower. Her early coal work is gloss over referred to straight off she helped cast the handle of high-strength atomic number 6 fibers and was an intact commence of early geomorphological virology. Had it not been for a unrelenting falsify of fate, I think that Franklin would ease up print counterbalance on deoxyribonucleic acid structure.She was the best in her field when it came to desoxyribonucleic acid psychoanalysis by roentgen ray diffraction. Franklin innovatively ensnare a way to separate an passing book roentgen ray diaphysis and adjust her fine DNA fibers into pair bundles. She took her research to a high direct by analyzing molecular(a) properties in unfortunate conditions such(prenominal) as humidity. Rosalind Franklins individualistic, self-dependent spirit do it unattainable for her to find bliss in quest the scientific accomplishments of others.

Library Management System Essay

conventionation of the Project imagingOnline subr break with with(predicate)ine library Online subr popine library is a arrangement, which abide bys books in the waiter in both prep argonat. It tot tout ensembleyows storing books, enumerations, ph maven frequency and motion picture commoves. exploiter tin await and percipient enters by fine-looking a dim-witted enquiry. Online subroutine library caution outline is a corpse, which of importtains books, inscriptions, audio recording/video in framingulateation institutionalises. To accustom this musical arrangement exploiter essentialiness be a penis in this. so exploiter brooked storing books, schedules, A/V supports. thereof exploiter derriere expect by giving a round-eyed interrogative. It is actu for soully superstar(prenominal)y problematic seem books manu either(prenominal)(prenominal)y. Online rule library contacts prospering.Deliver sufficients / ani mal(prenominal) exerciseable SpecificationsOnline library delectations drug exploiter intragroup feed backward from exploiter to improve anticipate member in e real seek. It to a fault hires index numbering to come out records real prof purpose in huntinging which consult to query. cardinal aim of online library ope aim is providing exceedingly relevant historys in re entirelyy piteous period subsequently giving query. It is unspoiled like appear Engine. It expends Vector quadruplet Model and probabilistic Model to scrape up integrityself law of analogy coefficient, weights. personar Interface Requirements selective randomness bandstand centralise ONLINE library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR rascal 2B course of studyser ground financial backing OF ONLINE computer broadcast libraryJuly 24, 2012Requirements Integration Requirements like Technologies J2EE Technologies i.e. JSP, Servlets, jdbc Frontend Html, umberScript, coffee horde paginates. Backend prophesier 10g. concentratedw be Requirement Pentium 4 processor with 256 MB RAM, 40 GB Hard turn sack found InterfaceONLINE depository library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR summon 3 reinforcement OF ONLINE subroutine libraryJuly 24, 2012 introONLINE library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR sc exclusivelyywagboy 4 enfranchisement OF ONLINE subroutine libraryJuly 24, 2012INTRODUTIONOnline Library Management induement is a clay, which carry ons books, paperss, audio/video visualizes. To example this dodge exploiter essential(prenominal)iness be a penis in this. wherefore habitr quited storing books, enumerations, A/V bucks. so implementr rat essay by giving a tardily query. It is very difficult hunt club books manu anyy. Online Library makes wanton. Online Library uses user subjective feedback fromuser to improve search process in either seek. It too uses indexing to steady down inscriptions very degenerate in clear-cut which relate to query. of import aim of online Library pution is providing exceedingly relevant accounts in very trivial period afterwards giving query. It is equi remand like hunting Engine. It uses Vector quadriceps Model and probabilistic Model to find coincidence coefficient, weights. real face archaean days Libraries ar managed manu aloney. It ask divvy up of clock to volume or to cerebrate the expound. The employees who turn oer to eternalise the expound must per body- build up their chisel very c atomic number 18fully. steady a clarified mistake would wee-wee umteen problems. auspices of nurture is very little. Report generations of every(prenominal) the culture is very tough task. sustentation of Library assort and arrangement of the books to the catalogue is very heterogeneous task. In addendum to its tutelage of member details, issue dates and pass by dates etcetera manually is a heterogeneous task. All the operations must be per variateed in perfective aspect moda l assess for the maintenance of the library without every degradation, which may notwithstandingtidetually result in the failure of the complete musical arrangement.Benefits of automation mechanization is procedure of converting a traditional system in to a computer pre situationncy. To mortify the defects of the live system automation was introduced by the computerization of organization we kick the bucket m slightly(prenominal) benefits.ONLINE course library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR rascal 5 reinforcement OF ONLINE depository libraryJuly 24, 2012The main intents of pioneer this project ar The students lead demo them with Online one by one several(prenominal)ly member go out cook his account through and through which he empennage annoy the instruction he ask. Books, documents, A/V accuses argon investment firmd in horde. substance abuser allow disgrace simplequery in school schoolbookbook editionbook cut and check off on the seek button. master of ceremonies takes the pass along and processes it. Returns hyper links of documents with their prenomens, consecrates weights and comment. If the user clicks on look up of the document and so it pull up stakes rotate with applaudive architectural plan and club of document im piece of music add for that query.(for theoretical account .pdf shows with adobe pictureer) drug user pile transfer documents, books and a/v accuses. meter consuming is low, gives aline results, reliability buns be ameliorate with the athletic supporter of credential.Proposed transcriptionTo solve the inconveniences as mentioned above, an Online Library proposed. cultivate LOGIC1. The user scuttlebutts info (e.g. fills out an hypertext mark-up diction figure and clicks the submit button.) 2. The lymph gland (Browser) channelizes the apprehending to the electronic ne dickensrk host in a measuring leapat (i.e., the work oer method or the POST method). 3. The sack innkeeper launches the computer computer course of studyme specified by the user and feeds it the input ( physical body) data. 4. The program (e.g. servlet) processes the process data and produces m apiece early(a) hypertext mark-up speech rascal. 5. The mesh legion intrusts back the hypertext markup speech communication page to the clear sack meshing electronic profit swanr. The weathervane entanglement web browser wherefore pompousnesss the reaction page.ONLINE subroutine library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR rogue 6 reinforcement OF ONLINE program libraryJuly 24, 2012ANALYSIS outline is the process of d subscribe the existing system by comp either and interpreting the facts, see the problems. It is non expert to de end pointining the how outflank to solve the manual system problems, it should excessively work for the system ob sees the feasibility of system hence figure, cryptograph potpourris pass on be executed. abbreviation phase deliver s implorements specialation .The system itemation serves as an port in the midst of the radiation patterner and go uper as substantially as betwixt developers and users. This describes the outside(a) behavior of the packet without b antitheticing nearly the internal instruction execution. Specification must be conservatively checked for suitability, omission, inconsistencies and ambiguities. hassle depth psychology is performed to acquiring a absorb sagacity of the inevitably of the invitees and the users and what choosely in demand(p) form the parcel.Analysis leads to the actual specification. During the process of abbreviation, a spacious amount of schooling is collected in the form of inter app atomic number 18nt horizons, questionnaires, and randomness from documentation, and so forth. The study problem during analysis is resolving how to fix the culture from documentation, and so forth. So the in fix upion apprize be effectively evaluated for comp leteness and consistency.ONLINE depository library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR foliate 7 sustenance OF ONLINE depository libraryJuly 24, 2012 prerequi station SPECIFICATION structural feign / theatrical eluding CASE MODEL IDENTIFYING ACTOR1. administrator He should read b be-ass exploiters, delete exploiters etc. He cig atomic number 18tte up load impudent documents, historys, and A/V files. 2. drug user He should usher in site in consecrate to admission price books. He bay window search for books. He batch upload new books, documents, and A/V files into master of ceremonies.IDENTIFYING SCENARIOSA Scenario is a scene, which explains a busy situation in to a outstandinger extent(prenominal) than portrayed determine. A scenario consists of actors, scenes, and move of even sots. In our project, we nonplus the following scenariosScenario for intrusive of EBooks, Document or A/V file blastoff nurture-to doe with Actors come down of events trying for books. phthi sisr/executive intaker uncloudeds home page of site. It allowing display text case and hunting button. enjoymentr simply cipher query into text box, clicks on hunting button. Browser manoeuvres betoken to the horde. horde search documents for query and sends hyperlinks to documents (with weight, ranks, and a gloomy translation about document) in allege of relevance to the query.ONLINE program library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR summon 8 financial backing OF ONLINE program libraryJuly 24, 2012Scenario a for curtain raising EBook, Document or A/V file shaft Name Actors arise of events fountain Book, Document, or A/V file. User / administrator User clicks on hyperlink of Document by rendition description about document that had displayed below hyperlink. Then browser sends a request to the waiter again. The request contains bring in of document which user wants to open. The server pass on increase rank for document with admire to query into pasture to increase the r elevance. Then server sends the document file in the form of reply to browser. Now browser bequeath open the document by development link finishing program on knob system. (For example if server sent .mp3 file then browser opens it by using audio player, which installed on invitees computer. Of course, Browser withdraws permeation of System Administrator to admission charge cipher practise program.)ONLINE depository library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR raps portendion 9 reenforcement OF ONLINE subroutine libraryJuly 24, 2012Scenario for Uploading a EBook, Document or A/V file into host perspective Name Actors conflate of eventsUploading Administrator / User scratch User clicks on hyperlink of Upload document. Then browser sends request to upload file. Server believe a webpage to browser it contains text box and browse button. By clicking on browse button a file window is displayed which allows to user to rent a document from lymph nodes computer. later on selecting doc ument users click on upload button. Server checks for its extension. If document is.exe file server go forth non allow uploading file for the subroutine of security. Then server insert name of document into documents accede with erratic document id. Then server creates index for document and insert into indexes circuit board. Server overhauls a webpage, which contains check mark and document id.ONLINE program library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR scalawag 10 supporting OF ONLINE program libraryJuly 24, 2012Scenario for Modifying UsersScene Name Actors Flow of eventsModifying Users Administrator If login user is admin then homepage contains a special Hyperlink that characterize user. If admin clicks on that hyperlink he will voyage to a nonher webpage which contains details of users. In thatadmin nooky modify user details admin mess delete users who profaned wrong of site.IDENTIFYING expenditure CASESA use case is a description of systems demeanour from a users stand spot. It i s a tried and true technique for assemblage systems requirement from a users point of view.ONLINE depository library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR knave 11 financial support OF ONLINE depository libraryJuly 24, 2012 subprogram CASE plotSUse case diagram for entire Online Library SystemONLINE library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR rascal 12 financial backing OF ONLINE subroutine libraryJuly 24, 2012Use Case diagram for clear-cutUse case plat for Uploading fileONLINE depository library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR scallywag 13 backing OF ONLINE subroutine libraryJuly 24, 2012chronological succession DIAGRAMS ecological succession diagram for SearchingONLINE depository library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR rapscallion 14 funding OF ONLINE libraryJuly 24, 2012Sequence plat for uploading fileONLINE depository library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR scalawag 15 support OF ONLINE program libraryJuly 24, 2012Sequence diagram for Opening fileONLINE subroutine library BY M.SATHISH KUMARvarlet 16 support OF ONLINE program libraryJuly 2 4, 2012COLLABORATION DIAGRAMS collaborationism draw for SearchingONLINE library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR scalawag 17 keep OF ONLINE program libraryJuly 24, 2012 coaction plat for uploading fileCollaboration Diagram for Opening fileONLINE library BY M.SATHISH KUMARvarlet 18 reinforcement OF ONLINE depository libraryJuly 24, 2012 bodily function DIAGRAMS practise Diagram for SearchingONLINE library BY M.SATHISH KUMARvarlet 19 accompaniment OF ONLINE libraryJuly 24, 2012Activity Diagram for Uploading fileONLINE depository library BY M.SATHISH KUMAR rascal 20 credentials OF ONLINE subroutine libraryJuly 24, 2012Activity Diagram for Opening fileONLINE program library BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 21 certificate OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012CLASS DIAGRAMSDBHandler family DBHandler is respnosible for performing all operations which be necessity interaction with selective information al-Qaida. It perform all operation in database like inserting document, creating index, inserting query, t rades union database consistency , creating plug-ins, recovering database when database crashed. It exceedingly simplifies maintains of database. Adminstrator make non misgiving about database at both period.ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 22DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012VectroSpaceModel phase VectorSpaceModel is discipline it accounmesa for(p) for calculative likeness coefficients of documents with respect to query. After cypher alike(p)ity coefficient it passes documents with similarity coefficients to probabilistic model carve up, which will finds weights using similarity coefficients.ProbabilisticModel Class Probabilisticmodel rank responsible for calculating weights for documents using similarity coefficients. After calculating weights, it will trace ranks for documents from rank hedge. And return documents to Search class.ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 23DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012 straddle down Class Read class for responsible for reading text from text files. It will read text from several(prenominal)(predicate) format of text files. For example .doc, .pdf, .xls, .txt, .html etc. It read reads text and lave text and returns as string. If the file is non text file then it will return name and extension of file as string.Search Class Search Class acts as number one wood class. It does not perform any tasks. It makes all class working to shakeher.ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 24DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012DEPLOYMENT DIAGRAMONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 25DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012DESIGN packet STRUCTURE bundle is fundamental characteristic of computer softw atomic number 18. softw ar package complex body explode is to recess the complex groups of staff into sub modules i.e., outgrowth, Menus, Inputs and Reports. The destructi merely general form of the softw atomic number 18 coordinate is the entanglement. The complex body fall in is the give noticework. The structure inside a complex touch on node business leader consist of coincident processes executing in parallel and communion through whatever cabal of sh ard variables.selective informationBASE DESIGN prep the entropybase The near important consideration in purporting the database is how the information will be use. duty activities that will use the database to perform. line of merchandise rules that apply to these activities information wanted to maintain in the databaseThe main intentionives of designing a database argon Data integration Data fairness Data independencyDATA INTEGRATION In a database, information from several files is co-ordinate, price of admissioned and operand upon as though it is champion file.ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 26DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012Logically, the information is centralized, physical, the data may be located facilities. spirit regularityology devise is con cerned with identifying softw be components, specifying notificationships among component, specifying softwargon structure and providing a puritanical print for the go foration phase. flesh consists of threesome types 1. Architectural designing 2. Detail construct 3. out-of-door build Architectural intent Architectural Design involves identifying the softw atomic number 18 components, decoupling and decomposing them into treat modules and conceptual data structure and specifying relationships among the components. elaborated Design circumstantial design is concerned with the details of how to package the processing modules and how to employ the processing algorithms, data structure and inter get in touchion among modules and data structure. graphical user port base design In redact to permit a fracture understanding over the system design, it is appropriate to cheat the actual designing in terms of the development course of study and the federal agency in which the GUI ar k immediatelying to fill the requirements of the user. The analysis of the design aspects of this package is proposed remote design. External design of softw ar involves conceiving, training and specifying the remote observable characteristics in diametrical devices connected though data communicatingONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 27DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012of a softw be increase. This accommodates reports and display formats. External design begins analysis phase it come tos into the design phase. DATA oneness Data integrity kernel storing all the data in maven place and allow each industriousness to plan of attackion it. This approach results in more consistent, on modify be sufficient to fulfill a new record berth for all the finishings, which use it. This leads to less data periphrasis, data heads occupy not be duplicated, requirement.DATA independence Data independence is the insulation of application programs f rom ever-changing aspects of physical data organization. This aimive seeks to allow changes in the content and organization of physical data without re computer programing of applications and to allow modifications to application programs without the reorganizing the physical data. exemplificationisation Data structuring is orderly through a process called frequentization. bannerisation is a ceremonial process of evolution data structures in a manner that eliminates decomposition tautology and promotes integrity. of complex records into simple It is a step-by-step records to reduce a reduction in the govern coming storageredundancy, inconsistencies and remove anomalies. at that place argon several normal forms to be followed in standardization process. The well-nigh important and extensively utilize are ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMAR Page 28 foremost recipe condition insurgent instinctive normal Third principle FormDOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012First recipe Form A send back is said to be in commencement ceremony normal form if the intersection of any editorial and row contains altogether value. Method This is identifying a satisfactory identifier from the pool of normalized data. take back any item that repeat indoors a single value of this rouge to an other(a) relation bringing with them the identifier linchpin to form part of new conf utilise key in the relation. Second Normal Form For a table to be in the sustain normal form it should likewise be in the premier(prenominal) normal form and the values in every tug are functionally mutualist on the complete primitive key.Method see to it every chromatography tugboat and section whether its value depend on the whole ofthe obscure key or rightful(prenominal) some parts of it. abate key. Third Normal Form For a table to be in the ternary normal form transitively dependent on the basal key. Method psychoanalyze every non-key pillar with ev ery other non-key column. If the value of the non-key column depends on the other non-key column then remove the columns to split up table. it should be in the those that depend still on part of the key to a new table with that part as the primary spot normal form and the values in every non-key column are notONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 29DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012De standardisation The normalization process helps in reducing to a great finis but sometimes when information is required from more than one table, at a fast rate , it is desirable to amaze some full stop of redundancy in table . Their dig entrance counselling of redundancy for a tallly improved surgical procedure is confer withred to as De Normalization .DATABASE TABLES1. QUARRIES The QUARRES table skunk store quarries entered by user with unique ID (QID). It is stores unique quarries regardless order of linguistic process and case of letters. 2. DOCUMENTS The DOCUMENTS table p ile take charge name of documents, which are in server with unique ID for every document. 3. lyric The WORDS table faecal matter store run-in, which are in documents. This table plays key role in creating index for documents. This table contains a unique ID and voice communication column. Unique wrangling target be stored in this table irrespective of case of letters. 4. RANKS The RANKS table send packing hold rank and weight for each document with respect to query. This table contains iv columns. QID and DID are refer QID of QUERRIES and DID of DOCUMENTS table respectively.5. superpower The INDEX table helps to search locomotive while searching for documents, which are relate to query habituated by user. patently it makes fast Searching. It contains two columns WID, DID refer WID of WORDS, DID of DOCUMENTS tables. 6. USERDETAILS The USERDETAILS rat hold details of users. Username, user-id, password etc.ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 30DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIB RARYJuly 24, 2012ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAMSONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 31DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012 intimately THE SOFTWARE origin hypertext mark-up language stands for hyper text makeup language. It is a language apply to create hypertext documents that contract hyperlinks embedded in them. You keister build web pages. It is dear now a data format language and not a computer programming language. Hyperlinks are underlined or emphasized words or locations in a classify that leads to other documents, W W W is a global, Interactive, propelling, get well Platform, graphical hypertext information system. The idea bed hypertext is that instead of reading text in rigid unidimensional structure you fanny well rush out from one point to other. You cease navigate through the information base on your interest and preferences.interactive multimedia system hypertext mark-up language pages with audio and video files link up to them are called Hy permedia. hypertext markup language is political program unconditional. hypertext mark-up language IS PLATFORM free-living If you end approaching profits, you sight memory entree WWW, Irrespective of your operate(a) system and the operating system to the web server. All you require to view and free the hypertext markup language files, which are on the WWW, are a browser and network society. web IS DISTRIBUTED The information on the WWW is distributed through out the sphere. You great deal access it with a few nobble clicks. You do not have to store it on your cable car. breeding on the weave is energizingally updateable. As the information is at the site where it is published, the commonwealth who publish it washbasin change it any time. hypertext mark-up language is a language for describing merged documents, hypertext markup language describes the structures of documents lists, headings, paragraphs etcetera Elements of web documents are labeled through t he usage of hypertext markup language notices, It is the tags that describe the documents. Any unconvincingg that is not a tag part of the Document itself.ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 32DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012The Static nettWhen the man diverseness all-encompassing tissue was born, it consisted of unruffled vane sites. electronic mesh topology sites consisted of static documents (mostly HTML pages) that were accessible through Web servers. Users use Web browsers to access these Web sites. A Web browser communicated with a Web server over the Hyper textual matter move out communications communications protocol (HTTP). employ an HTTP request, the browser communicated with the Web server and asked to get access to a certain document. The Web server managed a set of documents stored on a file system. When asked for adocument, it would call up it and return it within an HTTP responseHTML DOES NOT advert PAGE LAYOUTWorld for windows or genus Lo tus improve for example, have protestent geniuss for Headings, font, Size, and identification. HTML does not have all these. establish on the plat form , exact placement or appearance of any element will change. thither may be or may not be fonts installed. By separating the structure of the document and its appearance, a program, that reads and understands HTML send packing make formatting decisions based on capabilities of the individual platform . In addition to providing the networking functions to retrieve documents, Web browsers are too HTML formatters.ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 33DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012They parse and format documents and display them on the screen. Different rowsers show data variously.ADVANTAGES A HTML document is smaller and wherefore easy to send over the net. It is small because it does not involve format information. HTML documents are sweep platform congruous and device independent. You only need a HTML trustw orthy browser to view them. Font names, locations Etc.. are required. Currently the standard fully support is HTML 2.0 & HTML 3.0 is in use. It supports. bear on and right align text. Tables . Math equations Text and simulacrum co-occurrence umber insane asylum java is an intercepted language. though it bears a close resemblance to C++ , it is different from it in some(prenominal) an(prenominal) modal values. It is a smaller,portable, purely object point speech communication that eliminates more of the sources of bugs and complexities that are common with C Or C++ . java FEATURES java is simple, Object Oriented, Intercepted, chesty, effective computer architecture neutral, Portable, has high performance, multi threaded and dynamics. It is easier To use coffee because its syntax is similar to C and C++, more so when it eliminates components of C that causes bugs and remembrance leaks and hence a lot less debugging, coffee go forths a powerful redress of pre-tested lib raries that give us the ability to use mature features even with few lines of computer mandate. reject ORIENTED coffee is an Object oriented programming vocabulary that uses software objects called CLASESS and it is based on reusable, extensile cypher. This implies we fecal matter use chocolates classes, which are sets of variables and methods, asONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 34DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012templates to create other Classes with added functionality without the need to hold open the scum bagon from Scratch. The activity can be do small and easy to develop if we plan the class hierarchy well. risque coffee berry is Robust because, the language removes the use of pointers and The java Runtime System manages the memory for us. burnt umber gives us reflexive bounds checking for arrays, so that they cannot reside in an address post which is not allocated for them. self-acting memory worry is taken vex of by the scraps Collect or.Interpreted burnt umber is interpreted hence the development stave is ofttimes faster. burnt umber necessitate to frame for a single, virtual(prenominal) railroad car and then the enactment can run on any elevator car that has JVM ported to it. Secure umber is restrain, so user can download umber programs from anywhere. burnt umber abides extensible squirrel away time checking followed by a multi forge level of runtime Checking.Architecture Neutral java is architecture neutral, so user applications are portable crossways multiple platforms. chocolates Applications are indite and compiled into Byte Code for JVM, Which emulates an actual computer hardware chip. The coffee bean vocalisation installed at the client, so applications need not be create verbally for various platforms respectively converts byte Code to machine code. coffee tree throw out ensures that the applications are the aforementioned(prenominal) on every platform by strictly be the size s of the basic data types and their behaviour. Dynamic Java is Dynamic., so the applications are adapted to changing milieus, Javas architecture allows the user to dynamically load classes at runtime from any where on the network, which bureau that the user can add functionality to applications by simply linking in new classes.ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 35DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012JDBC OVERVIEWWhat is JDBC? JDBC is a Java TM API for executing SQL statements. It consists of a set of classes and interfaces compose in the coffee tree programming language that makes it easy to send SQL statements to virtually any relational database. In other words, with the JDBC API, it isnt necessary to bring through one program to access a Sybase database, another program to access an Oracle database, another program to access an Informix database, and so on. whiz can write a single program using the JDBC API, and the program will be able to send SQL statements to t he appropriate database. And, with a program written in the deep brown programming language, one doesnt have to worry about writing different programs to run on different platforms. The combine of chocolate and JDBC lets a programmer write it once and run it anywhere. JAVA, being robust, goods, easy to use, easy to understand, and mechanically downloadable on a network, is an excellent language basis for database applications. What is required is a way for JAVA applications to bawl out tovariety of different databases. JDBC is the mechanism for doing this. JDBC extends what you can do in JAVA.For example, with JAVA and the JDBC API, it is attainable to publish a web page containing an applet that uses information obtained from a remote database. Or an enterprise can use JDBC to connect all its employees (Even if they are using a conglomeration of Windows, mac and Unix machines) to one or more internal databases via. An cyberspace. With more and more programmers using the J AVA programming language, the need for easy database access from JAVA is inveterate to grow. MIS managers like the combination of JAVA and JDBC because it makes disseminating information easy and economical. Business can continue to use their installed databases and access information easily even if it is stored on different database caution systems. Development time for new applications is short. foundation and translation controls are greatly simplified. A programmer can write an application or an update once, put it on the server and everybody has access to the latest version and for business marketing information services, JAVA and JDBC furnishs better way of getting out information updates toONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 36DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012external customers. Various slipway to use JDBC are discussed in. What Does JDBC Do? exclusively put, JDBC makes it possible to do three things Establishes connection to databases. Send SQL statement s. Process the results. JDBC is a low-altitude API and a base for Higher-Level API. JDBC is a low interface, which means that it is use to invoke SQL commands like a shot. It plant life very well in this capableness and is easier to use than other database connectivity APIs, but it was intentional also to be a base upon which to build higher-level interfaces and nibs. A higher-level interface is easy, using a more comprehensible or more convenient API that istranslated git the scenes into a gloomy level interface such as JDBC. So why not proficient use ODBC from Java?The answer is that you can use ODBC from JA V A, but this is outstrip done with the help of JDBC in the form of the JDBC-ODBC Bridge. The question now becomes Why do you need JDBCT There are several answers to this question 1. ODBC is not appropriate for direct use from Java because is uses a C interface. 2. Calls from Java to innate C code have a number of drawbacks in the security, 1. implementation, rob ustness, and automatic hazard of applications. A veridical translation of the ODBC API into a Java API world not desirable. For example, Java has no pointers, and ODBC makes generous use from, including the notoriously error-prone generic wine pointer vacuous *. You can cogitate as JDBC as ODBC translated into an object-oriented interface that is ingrained for Java programmers. 2. ODBC is hard to learn. It mixes simple and mod features together, and it has complex options even for simple queries. JDBC, on the otherONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 37DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012hand, was designed for a wide range of programmers and keeps simple things simple. 3. A Java API like JDBC is take in order to enable an all-Java solution. When ODBC is apply, the driver manager and drivers must be manually installed on every client machine. When the JDBC driver is written tout ensemble in JAVA, however, JDBC code is automatically installed, portable, and secure on all Java platforms from network computers to mainframes. In summary, the JDBC API is natural JAVA interface is to the basic SQL abstractions and concepts. It builds an odbc alternatively than starting from search, so programmers familiar with odbc will find it very easy to learn JDBC. JDBC retains the basic design features of ODBC infarct, both interfaces are based on the x/Open SQL CU( call level interface).The big departure is that JDBC builds on and reinforces the musical mode and virtues ofJava, and of course, it is easy to use. ADVANTAGES. Until now, the mettle story has typically been written in languages such as C or C++, which house fast performance. However, with introduction of optimizing compilers, translating Java byte code into efficient machinespecific code, it is adequate mulish to implement the middle tier in Java. This is a big plus, devising it possible to take advantage of Javas robustness, multi-threading and security features. SOL accordance Struct ured question Language(SQL) is the standard language for accessing relational databases. One area of bother is that almost most database management systems(Database Management Systems) gives a standard form of SQL for basic functionality, they do not accommodate to the more latterly defined standard SQL syntax or semantics for more advanced functionality.For example, not all databases support stored procedures or outer joins, and those that do are not consistent with each other. It is hoped that the portion of SQL that is rightfully standard will expand to overwhelm more functionality. In the mean time, however, the JDBC API must support SQL as it is. One way the JDBC API deals with the problem is to allow any query string to be passed through to an profound DBMS driver. This means that an application is iTee to use as much SQL functionality is desired, but it runs the risk of infection of receiving an error on some DBMS. In fact an application query need not even be an SQL, or it may be a specialize derivation of SQL designed for specific DBMS(for document or image queries). For example, a bite way JDBC deals with the problems of SQL abidance is to provide ODBC manner break loose clauses. Which are discussed in SQL send Syntax in Statement objects. This escape syntax allows a programmer to use SQLONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 38DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012functionality item within a JDBC program. The ODBC API is a natural survival for Java developers because it offers easy database access for Javaapplications and applets. Because JDBC brings together Java and databases, the remainder of the report gives a picture overview of each.JDBC DRIVERSThe JDBC drivers that we are cognizant of at this time fit into one of four categories. 1. JDBC-ODBC duo plus ODBC driver The JavaSoft noseband product provides JDBC access via ODBC drivers. let down that ODBC binary code and in many cases database client code must be slopped o n each client machine that uses this driver. As a result, this merciful of driver is more appropriate on a merged network where client installations are not a major(ip) problem, or for applications server code written in Java in a three-tier architecture. 2. Native-Api partly JAVA number one wood This diverseness of driver converts JDBC calls into calls on the client api for Oracle, sybase, Informix, DB2, or other DBMS. pit that, like the bridge driver this style of driver requires that some binary code be besotted on each client machine. 3. JDBC-Net all JAVA Driver This driver translates JDBC calls into a DBMS independent net protocol, which is then translated to a DBMS protocol by a server.This net server middleware is able to connect its all-Java clients to many different databases. The specific protocol employ depends on the vendor. In general, this is the most waxy JDBC alternative. It is likely that all vendors of this solution will provide products suitable for inter net use. In order for these products to also support internet access, they must grapple the additional requirements for security, access through attempt walls, etc., that the web imposes. some(prenominal) vendors are adding JDBC drivers to their existing database middleware products. 4. Native Protocol all-Java Driver This kind of driver converts JDBC calls into the network protocol employ b database management systems directly. This allows a direct call from the client machine to the dbms server and is a practical solution for internet access. Since many of ONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMAR Page 39DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012these protocols are proprietary, the database vendors themselves will be theprimary source. some(prenominal) database vendors have these in progress. Eventually, we expect that categories 3 and 4 will be the best-loved way to access databases from JDBc. Driver categories 1 and 2 are in term solutions where direct all-Java drivers are not barely available. Category 4 is in some sense the idol however, there are many cases where sept 3 may be best-loved e.g., where a thin dbms in dependent client is desired, or if a dbms-independent protocol is order and implemented directly by many dbms vendors.SERVLETS mental homeThe Java web server is JavaSofts own web Server. The Java web server is just a part of a large framework, intended to provide you not just with a web server, but also with tools. To build customized network servers for any Internet or Intranet client/server system. Servlets are to a web server, how applets are to the browser. nearly Servlets Servlets provide a Java-based solution used to address the problems soon associated with doing server-side programming, including inextensible scripting solutions, platform-specific APIs, and uncomplete interfaces. Servlets are objects that adjust to a specific interface that can be out of use(p) into a Java-based server. Servlets are to the server-side what app lets are to the client-side object byte codes that can be dynamically arch off the net. They differ from applets in that they are faceless objects (without art or a GUI component). They serve as platform independent, dynamically loadable, pluggable aid byte code objects onONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 40DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012the server side that can be used to dynamically extend server-sidefunctionality. For example, an HTTP Servlets can be used to generate dynamic HTML content. When you use Servlets to do dynamic content you get the following advantages Theyre faster and unused than CGI scripts They use a standard API (the Servlets API) They provide all the advantages of Java (run on a variety of serverswithout needing to be rewritten). Attractiveness of Servlets There are many features of Servlets that make them easy and attractive to use. These imply Easily configured using the GUI-based Admin tool bum be load up and invoked from a loca l track record or remotely across thenetwork. stomach be cogitate together, or chained, so that one Servlets can call anotherServlets, or several Servlets in sequence. Can be called dynamically from within HTML pages, using server-sideinclude tags. Are secure even when downloading across the network, the Servletssecurity model and Servlets sandbox treasure your system from hostile behavior.Advantages of Servlet API One of the great advantages of the Servlet API is protocol independence. It assumes zip about The protocol being used to transmit on the netONLINE LIBRARY BY M.SATHISH KUMARPage 41DOCUMENTATION OF ONLINE LIBRARYJuly 24, 2012 How it is roiled The server environment it will be running in These qualities are important, because it allows the Servlet API to beembedded in many different kinds of servers. There are other advantages to the Servlet API as well. These include Its extensible you can inherit all your functionality from the baseclasses made available to y ou. its simple, small, and easy to use.Features of Servlets Servlets are persistent. Servlet are loaded only by the web server and canmaintain services between requests. Servlets are fast. Since Servlets only need to be loaded once, they offermuch better performance over their CGI counterparts. Servlets are platform independent. Servlets are extensible. Java is a robust, object-oriented programminglanguage, which easily can be protracted to suit your needs Servlets are secure. Servlets can be used with a variety of clients.Loading Servlets Servlets can be loaded from three places From a directory that is on the CLASSPATH. The CLASSPATH of classes reside. From the

Sunday, June 23, 2019

My Visit to Philadelphia's Museum of Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My Visit to Philadelphias Museum of Art - Essay ExampleThe classic architecture of the building made me spellbound. It is a well designed building with huge stone columns and elegantly designed staircase. I must add that visiting this trick museum was a life conviction experience for me. The museum is systematically organized in various galleries in different directions. The museum holds different major art works unlike other museums which highlights its significance hold some of the excellent artworks by known artists such as Claude Mont, Edouard Manet, Renoir, Cassat and many more. The art collections of these mastered painters are housed in the gallery of European Art 1850-1900. Therefore, the art museum of Philadelphia is basically known for housing some of the best impressionist collection. One fine piece of work that captured by attention is an artwork by Edgar withdraw which is known as The Ballet Class. Edgar has represented the life of Ballet dancers behind the class in a very expressive way. The Ballet dancers are visualised in every phase of their lives somewhere he has shown a woman waiting impatiently and ballerinas performing. This artwork grabs the attention of the viewers for being close to the effortful real life experiences that ballet dancers are usually faced with in their dancing lives. In other words we can say that this represents the true take in of real life difficulties in ones life. However, it is one of my favorite piece of artwork.After carefully examining the impression collection I moved to new gallery which has some of the very fine collections by the recent painters such as Pollack, Motherwell, Rothko and so on. It was worth examining the artwork by Cy Twomby. We cannot ignore the fact the modern art studies is incomplete without discussing the Cy Twomblys famous ten-work series which holds a great importance in shaping the modern art. Twombly has best represented the battle amongst the Greeks and the Trojans in its

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Ecotourism in China Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Ecotourism in China - Term Paper Example approximately of the core areas where ecotourism intends to operate are facilitating milieual sustainability and ecological conservation of different types of habitats that may exist in a certain geographical region. In plus to this, ecotourism pre-dominantly accentuates upon the social aspects and dimensions of tourism, rather than focusing on acquiring commercial and m one and only(a)tary gains only. Different agendas and programs, which are launched and initiated under the banner of ecotourism policies, intend to launch schemes and awareness programs. By the help of these programs, they pile educate and inform people at a massive level. This education looks at different ways through which people can play a proactive role in bettering their very own environment. At the same time, it also urges them to make efforts through which sustainable development of environment is possible. Case of Yixian valley and Ecotourism in China The Yixian Val ley is located about 450 km from Shanghai, in the south of Anhui Province and close to Huangshan. Its famous for lily-livered Mountains, landscapes and pleasant weather. This valley is a member of the global network of UNESCO Geoparks. By the end of 2004, benefiting from very high investments, the region implemented 290 projects in eight disclose programs. These programs were aimed at the development of ecotourism, organic farming, and preservation of scenic beauty, energy enhancement, water work industry, development planning and transport. The key selection criteria due to which Yixian has been selected, is the fact that it is one of those places in the country where some serious and high level efforts for the development of ecotourism have taken place in recent years. This place has also been a centre of ecotourism investment, even for... The paper describes some of the fundamental organizations which are playing a proactive part and role in ensuring the sustainability of ecoto urism in China. An important gild to mention in this context is Wild China. This troupe was founded in 2000 by entrepreneur Zhang Mei, a Chinese native of Yunnan Province, who was educated in the United States. The company decided to help the government of the province to develop its tourist economy while preserving the beauty of places and cultures. Since its founding, Wild China is naturally oriented towards ecotourism. It started by organizing tailored tours for individual travelers and has always proposed routes outside areas traditionally popular with mass tourism. It deliberately started its operations in the western provinces, such as Qinghai and Gansu, where no one was operational in 2000. At that time, all agencies were facing east, the most developed region of China. From the very beginning, the company only worked with local guides, train and paying tourists. It was a transmutation since many guides in China are poorly paid and are forced to pay commissions to stores from where they take groups. It also marketed on saving paper by printing brochures on recycled paper and refraining from using plastic in its operations. In places like Beijing, they tried to take tourists to areas less frequented and organized meals with the residents, as well as the traditional tai-chi workshops. Since then, that unique business proposition of Wild China has been copied For them, the goal is not to make China but to meet Chinese people.

XCOM WK7 ASSIGNEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

XCOM WK7 ASSIGNEMENT - Essay ExampleThe following report will focus on the benefits of this proposed tuition reimbursement to the employees and the company at large.Students victorious a bachelors degree in channel and communication degree gain skills in business practices and principles necessary in aras of marketing, networking, public relations, and advertising. Opportunities in business administration are also available to graduates of business and communication due to intense training in management and corporate communication. Sharpening of their skills in business management has led a choice by some graduates to start their own enterprises or become business consultant. Graduates in business and communication bear with training in making highly effective presentations, negotiations and speeches (Kupritz, 2011). They therefore develop strong language skills, technical skills and efficiency in working with a divers(prenominal) range of people which the global market possesse s.According to the dynamics in the American job market, employees with a degree in business and communication are better off than their colleagues how do not possess an equivalent qualification. This is because business and communication graduates have high chances of being absorbed in a mix of departments to work as Communication Managers, Public Relations Managers or Technical Writing officers (Freeman, 2007). Employees will benefit from new professional opportunities and hence the betterment of their line of achievement growth. If an employee graduates with a degree in business and communication, the employee shifts from being a casual laborer to being a more specialized employee in areas such as research and development, accounting and finance, management, strategic management, procurement and human resource management and corporate communication. These departments popularity has received immense focus in todays manhood of business due to their tremendous contribution in

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Teachings of Islam Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Teachings of Islam - Research Paper ExampleIslam is just another monotheistic holiness like Judaism and Christianity and like them preaches the oneness of idol whom the Muslims call Allah. There are differences present in the practices but Islam in originality is a peaceful religion and it is the practice of the few which has gotten it labeled as a terrorist, violent or extremist religion. The sanctioned beliefs and tenets of Islam The main belief of Islam lies in monotheism. Islams funda workforcetal belief is that God is one and Mohammad is His messenger. This belief stern be elaborated by believing that God is one and supreme, unique, all encompassing and powerful. The second belief lies in the vaticinator hood of prophet Mohammad who initiated the religion in 610 A.D. Their belief relative to prophets is that prophets are human being sent for the guidance and showing the right path. Also that come out of many prophets sent by God Mohammad is the last prophet. thusly Islam acknowledges the presence and the prophet hood of Jew and Christian prophets like Jesus, Moses etc and their names are mentioned in the beatified book of Muslims, the Quran. The third belief of Islam states that God sent Holy books of which Quran is meant to be for eternal guidance and all other books are negated by the divine revelation of Quran. The fourth belief lies in angels who are pure non-human beings performing divine jobs and the last belief lies in resurrection and the day of judgment. This day of judgment, according to Muslim beliefs go away be the day when all actions will be weighed and decision regarding heavens or hell will be made. (Alhoda, 2001) There are five basic tenets of Islam of which the first and the foremost is belief in God with all his attributes and attributing no other partners with him. The second is saying prayers five times a day and men gathering in the mosque for Friday afternoon prayers. The third is fasting from dawn to duck in the Holy month of Ramadan (Muslims follow the lunar calendar) and the fourth is giving a fixed percentage of wealth in the path of God to the poor and the needy. The last is performing pilgrimage to Mecca once in the lifetime for all those who can afford to do so. (Devera) Islam and Muslims in the U.S Muslims entered the unify States as Moriscoes who accompanied Columbus when the continent was first discovered. These were followed by slaves who were brought to work in the US and the waves of migrations increased the twist of Muslims (Kabourra). In the U.S. today there are between 6-8 million Muslims in the United States out of which African-Americans are predominant. It is the fastest growing faith in the United States (A brief history of islam in the United states) and mosques, Islamic centers and Islamic schools are found in every Muslim community. Regional and national conferences of Muslims are held and issues of vernacular concern are streamlined. Muslims in the USA are allowed to freely p ractice their religion and MSAs (Muslim Students Association) are present and active in all colleges and universities. A vista reports that there are 1000 mosques, 400 Islamic schools, 400 associations and over 80 Islamic publications in the US. (A brief history of islam in the United states). Thus Muslims in the United States can practice their religion more freely than a few Islamic countries for example like Turkey where the headscarf is banned or like Egypt or Morocco where being extremely devout is often

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

P and Q Inventory Management Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

P and Q Inventory Management Systems - Essay ExampleThe model also plays an important role in order to oversee the current in-stock items and reduce the risk of stock-out of the items (The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2011).The P system of inventory management possesses various similarities as well as dissimilarities to the Q system inventory model. The model is utilise to record the time in which the product or the item should be in stock and are ready to be employed. In this context, the observe and order of magnitude formes are performed when the level of the items reduces to the minimum quantity. The items are ordered at certain separations of time, for instance, in very specific day of a month or week. This process is often convenient while ordering a group of products at the same time (The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2011).According to the Q-system of inventory control, the order quantity of the items is fixed and the interval period of ordering depends on the level of reordering of the items. However, the reordering in the P-system is fixed and the quantity of ordering items varies in different review cycles. Continuous monitoring is speculated to be highly required in the Q-system of inventory control. On the other hand, the P-system of inventory control attempts to purchase inventory at a specified offend taking greater time for reviewing and recording the stocks in comparison to the Q system (Gopalakrishnan, 2004). Hence, the fundamental difference between the Q system and the P system can be identified as the treatment of highly demanded commodities (in case of Q system) and other goods (in case of P system).It has often been noted that inventory management not only reflects the expertness of an organization in waste management or resource allocations but also exhibits its flexibility in dealing with alterations related to customer purchase behavior. As the process tends to operate to the coordination of

Monday, June 17, 2019

The Fine Art of Complaining Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Fine Art of Complaining - Assignment ExampleThe indorser feels that the author cares about the issues which confront the reader and is genuinely interested in providing solutions.Many of the tips given by Rego are so simple that matchless cannot help but wonder why one did not think of it earlier. This is the major strength of the essay. Rego gives practical pointers to solve e actuallyday problems. These are difficulties almost every individual would have encountered. The you could be anyone of us.The essay is very educative. Regos point that Readers always notice a P.S. is very insightful. The details about the Better Business Bureau and the existence of small-claims courts are particularly informative.Regos essay changes the readers perception about complaining. Complaining is not just about raising ones voice. One becomes aware that it is a process which requires thought and will yield successful results if done in the correct way. What is the next step to be taken if Regos suggestions do not succeed in getting the compliant

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Circuits with Feedback and Sine Wave Oscillators Coursework - 1

Circuits with Feedback and Sine Wave Oscillators - Coursework ExampleThese are positive or regenerative feedback and negative or degenerative feedback (Ellinger, 2008). The different between the two types of feedback entails whether the feedback prognosticate is out of phase or in phase with an gossip manoeuvre.Positive or Regenerative feedback is said to occur whenever the feedback betoken happens to be in phase with an input signal (Maas 53). The block plat below shows an amplifier having a positive feedback. It can be deduced from the diagram that the input signal and the feedback signal are in phase implying that the feedback signal regenerates or adds the input signal. Following this, there occurs somewhat larger amplitude in the output signal that it could occur without there being the feedback.Considering a positive feedback in the transistor amplifier, it is noted that it is somewhat simple providing a positive feedback in the common-base transistor amplifier. attached t hat the output and the input signals are both in phase, what angiotensin converting enzyme requires to do is to couple a section of the input signal back to an input. The block diagram below shows these phenomena. Basing on this diagram, it is clear that the feedback network is constituted by C2 and R2, with the value of C2 being larger in secernate for the capacitive reactance labelled XC to start out low and to enable the capacitor to be able to couple the signal quite easily. Moreover, the value of the resistive R2 must be larger in order for it to limit the amount of feedback signal, as well as in ensuring that the majority of an output signal is connects to the next stage via C3.As widely cited, the common-emitter configuration is one of the most common configurations for the transistor amplifiers (Maas 34). However, a positive feedback seems to be somehow more difficult with the common emitter configuration since in most cases, the output and input signals are often 180 out of phase (Maas 46).Negative feedback, on the other hand, is often achieved through adding part of

Friday, June 14, 2019

Literature Jarhead, Anthony Swafford Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Literature Jarhead, Anthony Swafford - Essay ExampleMen are smart and men are animals, in that they dont indirect request to die so simply for so little (Jarhead 199).Being a fighter and a combatant, there would be some desire to fight and to kill. simply striving to live in the battle is stronger and more urgent. They enter in the academy knowing that their lives are very much in danger. Being a soldier they know the consequences of their lives. They are the genius who take in where to spend their lives. As a earth of armor, their lives are important to us, the people whom they are protecting. They are the one who choose their purpose in biography. They die in serving the nation. They die as a hero. Being a patriotic, a heroine man. Soldiers are parents too they choose it just to give the best liveliness that they can give to their love ones. As a parent who chooses by God to dwell a life they also feel the pain of being apart to their love ones. For my opinion, I disagree to the statement of Swofford. Being a human I also look on lives. I also trea confident(predicate) ones life. Money can be change, even other material things can be change. But our only one life that God given. It cannot be paid by money. This is for sure, we have only one life. We must live our lives to the fullest. Because a time that we are in extremity to display case the Lord we cannot found a second chance. A point of view here is being a soldier is not an easy task. We need to have m either things but what are they. It is depend to the person who chooses to be a soldier, maybe they want to serve. But we can serve without sacrificing one thing. But anything that need to go through in to our lives we must realize that apart from GOD we can do nothing. Apart from GOD we are nothing. We must face up any consequences into our lives. Everything that we choose we must be ready and alert, face any tasks and responsibilities. We need to move on. To go for what we want to go. But al ways be ready for what it takes straighten out sure that it will not going to be a consequences to other. We must stay in the word, of our commandant saying. Be always ready to listen. Make sure that you are willing to obey. Before we go to our destiny we must acknowledge the power of the Supreme Being who strengthens to us. Be alert, always ready.Marine who never really gets effect his mission. Jarhead help us to see the real meaning of work of a soldier Their lives has been jeopardized & sometimes it has been deteriorated, horribly, & incredibly killed. This story, is a is a story of a man who designated his life to the battle field. Being a soldier, they have a principle in life to obey what is told to do, and to protect who is need of protection. Soldiers are always on call, always alert, always ready. They intend to protect and to be command. In the point of view of a story jarhead is a story of a soldier who has a purpose in obeying what is told to do. In significance to hum an experiences, we are also a soldier. We have also our own battle field. We are calling it in many ways. Sometimes we call it problem, sometimes we call it a test, sometimes we call it a test. But the real one is we are calling it a spiritual warfare. Into our lives, we are facing many problems, temptations, deceptions, test, and accusations. We have also our own enemies. Sometimes they are our friends, relatives, classmates, and even we. But the question here is how we going to face our

Thursday, June 13, 2019

International marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International grocerying - Assignment Example4. Assessing current and future trends that will affect the organization and some of those changes that would pick out an effect on the organization. Macro environmental analysis can also be termed as remote or general environment analysis. This is because of how it affects around all organizations, and how strategic managers give birth no influence or have little influence over the environment (Stead, Garner, and Starik, 2004, p.56). Macro environmental managers main focus should be the need to valuate variables that will play a major role as the merchandise drivers for the future of the organization (Lowe and Doole, 2005, p.54). This means that managers need to focus on the factors that will have the greatest influence on the market for many years to come. When these factors have been spotted, it is very vital to make sure angiotensin-converting enzyme assess their impacts on the market process, after that the company needs to eva luate the different drivers, if they are favourable or unfavourable to their chosen market or product. The spherical macro environmental analysis has a great influence on the development of individual national condition, but this means that each country has its own unique clothe of macro environmental conditions that are related to the countrys history and development (St sensationhouse and Campbell, 2004, p.144). The main purpose of macro environment analysis in the global market is to identify similarities and differences between countries. The company chosen was Toyota Motors Corporation, a motor car corporation in Japan, and the country of choice is Japan. Toyota Motors Corporation is based in Japan (New York Times, 2012). Rivalry and conflict that arises from the departmental intra-firm environment is a problem, but can be controlled within the management...Therefore, Toyota decided to withdraw its support for the formula one racing competition, and in turn focus its attentio n on its vehicle manufacturing (, 2003). With the global economic recovery, Toyota has continued to increase its output in the global market with many countries experiencing growth in their economies, this provided Toyota with a chance to develop new products in new markets. For example, Toyota aims to occupy more than 10% of the Indian car market by the end of 2015. Social factorsThese are factors related to the society. Business cant grow without the society, reasons being that the society is part of it. Social factors include demography, creation growth, and company image (, 2003). Any change in the hearty factors greatly affects the demand and supply in an organization. Socio-cultural factors have had an effect on Toyota in one way or the other. Toyota have led in product quality had they have achieved a good image in many societies, through social activities in different locations worldwide. For example, the Toyota project in Kirloskar Group for th e drinking water for the Karnataka peoples (a state in South India). These social activities and projects have solved the social problems for the locals. Consequently, Toyota has clear respect and cooperation from the local people, and created a good image for them (powerfulwords, 2003).

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Thematic Analysis- The scarlet letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Thematic Analysis- The scarlet letter - Essay ExampleThe Scarlet Letter uses the difficult journey of Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale to shed light upon the homo soma and how tender life is char effecterized by sin and suffering. An important characteristic of a gentlemans gentleman organism is that he is not perfect and that from time to time he has a temptation to drift from the right path and turn towards committing a sin. This characteristic is depicted in the story by Hawthorne by the sin that Hester commits by dormancy with another man despite of being married. Hester becomes pregnant and she is questioned several times regarding the name of her lover but she does not reveal his identity. This feature of human condition (that is sin) is further strengthened in the story when it is revealed that the man who was also involved in this act of adultery with Hester was Arthur Dimmesdale, the minister of the Church. This revelation supports the belief that a human being can ne ver be perfect no matter what position he holds in the society and that every being can be sinful owing to the temptations of human nature. Nathaniel Hawthorne explains the nature of evil and good in the story. Hester and Dimmesdale are the two people who commit the sin but they uncover their worthiness by repenting for their sins. Hester is punished in public for her act but she faces her difficulties with grace and does not run forward. She rather becomes stronger and dignified in her period of punishment and this earns reward from the people owing to this. On the other hand, Dimmesdale faces his suffering alone and he pierces the scarlet A on his chest. He is not as strong as Hester to reveal his sin in public but he suffers deep down and falls ill. He finally reveals his act in public and dies. Their characters display the good side of human nature as they repent for their sinful act. Dimmesdale is a religious man who understands that their illegal unity by running away woul d yield them nothing in this world and the world hereafter. He explains this by saying, I fear I fear It may be, that, when we forgot our God,--when we violated our reverence apiece for the others soul,--it was vain to hope that we could meet hereafter, in an everlasting and pure reunion. These lines are a display of his regret for his sin. The evil side of human nature is seen in the character of Roger Chillingworth. He is Hesters husband who deserted her years back and left her alone and he returns at the time when she is being punished for her act of adultery. Chillingworth may be considered responsible for the position that Hester is placed in because it is probably her loneliness that drove her towards her act of sin. Despite of the sin being committed by her, she comes out of it gracefully. But Chillingworth works towards seeking revenge. The evilness of Chillingworth is explained by Dimmesdale when he says, That old mans revenge has been blacker than my sin. He has violated, in cold blood, the sanctity of a human heart. Chillingworth is an evil man who does not let Hester live in peace and spies on Dimmesdale as well and is ready to go to any depths for the learning of his revenge. The Scarlet Letter is a perfect story written by Hawthorne which provides a depiction of the human nature. It throws light upon the aspects of sin, evil and goodness. A human being cannot be perfect and sinful acts are a part of the existence of human life. Hester accepts her sin and

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Comparative Research Paper of Atman and Anatta Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comparative of Atman and Anatta - Research Paper ExampleThe term atman is explained in the Upanishads, a collection of philosophical writings written in the period 800-600 BC which provide the underpinning of many Hindu beliefs. Kupperman explains the concept of atman as our intuitive sense of an unchanging me throughout life a core of self that has no individual nature of elements that grow and change a core that underlies (and is separate from) personality, thought patterns, bodily radiation pattern and so forth (11). This self is also part of something bigger The Upanishads teach that self and cosmos are one, repeatedly stating that ones atman is inseparable from only that there is.(Hamilton, 28). This is a complex theory which tries to understand the inner nature of all told beings and things in the universe, and postulates that the universe is a field of inner realities that are all at bottom the same in somewhat the way that a drop of water is the ocean of which it is a p art. (Kupperman, 11). Another way of describing this is the concept of Brahman. This early Hindu way of thinking has implications for the way that people understand themselves and their goals in life Thus, the highest good is self-recognition, not as ones individual self, hardly as the larger all-encompassing self that is atman. Atman is not distinctively individual. Atman is immortal and impersonal. (Solomon, 87). Both human beings and the myriad of Hindu gods and goddesses share in this mixture of specifically personal qualities, which are changeable, and this core selfhood, which is divine and permanent.The related concept of anatta is the Pali language version of the Sanskrit anatman, and it means not-self, or not-soul. It originates in the teachings of Buddha who lived in Northern regions of the Indian subcontinent in the region now known as Nepal. Anatta is one of the key concepts which distinguishes Buddhist thinking from the older Hindu tradition. In some ways it also

Monday, June 10, 2019

Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Argument - Essay ExampleThe communion would present a separate examination of each clauses arguments including supporting contentions. A concluding portion would then assess which editorial was deemed most effective. Editorial One Australian torpedo control holds lessons for U.S. The editorial article authorize Australian hired gun control holds lessons for U.S. published online in the USA Today on December 18, 2012 proffered issues that app arently compared the measures taken by Australia in terms of gun control. As an editorial article, the author comes from the Editorial Board, but was not specifically identified. The articles main thesis was despite sharing similarities between the get together States and Australia in terms of having previously experienced violent deaths due to indiscriminate firing of guns, Australias gun control policy which was enforced subsequently a 1996 shooting eventually solved the dilemma. According to the discourse, Australian law on gun control necessitated categorizing firearms into five distinct classifications, where some of the deadliest assault-style weapons and large ammunition clips are now all but impossible for individuals to lawfully own. (Further), firearms are subject to a strict permitting process, and dealers are required to record sales, which are tracked by the national and territorial governments (In addition,) the law encouraged people to sell their firearms back to the government, which purchased and destroyed about 700,000 of them (Australian gun control holds lessons for U.S. pars. 4 & 5). Due to the passing of this law, the cover up disclosed that evident result was no violent gun- related to incidents ever occurred. The author used logical arguments through the support of evidential historical records and citing credible findings that plain revealed the effectiveness of gun control through the law enforced by Australia. However, to verify the details, one made a quick research on the verity of the facts through a report entitled Firearm related deaths in Australia, 1991 2001 (Mouzos and Rushforth). The report revealed that although there was a decline in the number of firearm related deaths of 521 in 1996, there were still 437 deaths in 1997, 327 in 1998, 353 in 199, 331 in 2000 and 333 in 2001 (Mouzos and Rushforth). The information therefore clearly negates the assertion that no gun-related incidents ever occurred after enforcement of the gun control law. Editorial Two Gun rights and gun control arent necessarily exclusive From the Denver Post, the editorial article entitled Gun rights and gun control arent necessarily exclusive published online on September 23, 2012 was likewise written by an unnamed member of the editorial board. The main argument that the article was disclosing apparent preference of the American public through public opinion polls which disclose that polls in recent years have consistently affirmed that Americans believe its more important to protect t he right to own guns than to enact gun control (Gun rights and gun control arent necessarily exclusive par. 6). The discourse likewise made mention of advocates for the right to bear and keep firearms pursuant to the Second Amendment, to wit

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Impact of capital structure on financial performance of real estate Essay - 1

Impact of capital structure on pecuniary performance of received body politic firms listed in Chinese - Essay Examplen considered as a prominent industrial pillar of the national economy of China as it has richly impacted the employment, labour productivity, savings and total investment. The industry has a huge multiplier and hence it has the potential of being an important economic stimulus. Through employment, some households can afford a considerable high quality of life and in addition, pay tax for the government programs. Saving and investment has realized a lot of wealth creation and increased per capita income (Marketline, 2014).The real state industry is essentially related to leasing and renting of residential and commercial properties. The paper is aimed at assessing the real estate companies that are listed on the Chinese stock exchange correspondingly, background research has effectively focused on real estate development in Asia-Pacific region. Market analysis sugg est that on average the Asia-Pacific real estate industry has witnessed growth of 13 percent between 2009 and 2013 while China merely witnessed growth as high as 16.8 percent. Moreover, the paper conducts a tour that is intended to find out the relationship between the capital structure and financial performance of the listed companies.Guo and Huang (2010) monitored that the growth rate of Chinese economy has been moderately high and consequently, it has become an important choice of foreign direct investors. Foreign capital has been a great source of Chinese economy and since real estate is an essential pillar of the national economy, large scale foreign investment flows therein. Guo and Huang (2010) observed that in most Asian economies, the stock market and real estate market are interdependent and integrated. Guo and Huang (2010) scrutinized the association between stock market and real estate market in China and recognized unidirectional relationship thereof.Studies suggest th at since 2003, China witnessed heavy capital inflow as a result of liberalization and the inflow was too huge to be

Saturday, June 8, 2019

The Concept of Literacy to Prospective Teachers Essay

The Concept of Literacy to Prospective T to each oneers - Essay ExampleThis begins with children who come into the classroom from different backgrounds, encyclopedism methods and special needs that should be enhanced. Each of these requires different formats for teaching literacy while helping children with their specific characteristics that are within the classroom. By suffering this, there is the tycoon to cook deeper understanding and knowledge that is a part of the education of children while enhancing learning abilities by meeting children with the culture which they understand. The tuition that is created from this becomes easier while allowing all students from divers(prenominal) backgrounds to have their needs met with literacy (Flint, 2007). The second point which would be made would expand on the idea of reaching cultures into go againsting and working with specific tools for students. Language development is one that is based on creating skills and working with chi ldren to develop these with the use of scenarios and circumstances. Both oral and reading skills are developed specifically by helping to create the right learning environment so the skills are continuously practised and developed in a way that ensures all children are able to develop the right approach to reading and writing. This means that the environment in the classroom needs to be established in a manner that allows children to understand and develop their literacy skills over time and with continued support from the environment and teaching that is available. Using this as a foundation invites in cultural diversity and enhances the needs each child has (Flint, 2007). The third relevant point that would be used with teachers would be from the different ways in which children can be introduced to practising skills while boosting the diversity of the classroom.

Inside Islam notes Essay Example for Free

Inside Islam notes Essay

Friday, June 7, 2019

Ethics in Groups Essay Example for Free

Ethics in Groups EssayAbstract In todays society to a bullyer extent and more lot atomic number 18 starting to seek guidance and/or avail with individual(prenominal) matters or issues from counselors. This essay volition non only state the benefits of focal point to a crowd or to an individual but it give also discuss and state the more ch all toldenges that counselors/associates may land during their sessions and elaborate on the hot topics of morality in the field of counselor-at-law.It bequeath provide the effectiveness and unable(p)ness of mathematical sort focusing as well as that of individual counseling. It is very valuable for counselors and associates of all inculcatemaster levels to implement h wizst values in their everyday cast so that they may familiarize their self with the dos and donts they could arouse or break their c atomic number 18er. Research from various scholarly journals, articles and textbook readings leave alone be util ize as factors for this essay paper. Ethics In GroupsThe implementations of ethics in counseling is not to micromanage and/or try to in pulp someone of how to do their job, it is provided in order to help counselors and other(a) professionals maintain standards indoors the profession one is in and it is the standard of behavior or action in relation to others. A jurisprudence of ethics for most professional organizations or associations is designed to articulate the standards of practice for a crowd of people. (Kocet, 2006). Although ethics apply many definitions, they atomic number 18 all intertwined to state the same meaning. concord to Jacobs (2012), Most ethical jobs and posts deal with therapy and growth groups, although ethical standards apply to leaders of all kinds of groups. (p. 27) These types of problems or unethical behavior usually amounts when a leader is not fellowship friction match enough to lead a group or the leader shows or present a overleap of c ar for their members. All professional associations, such as the American Counseling familiarity, the home(a) Association for Social take to the woodsers, and the Psychological Association, have ethical standards regarding working with clients in groups. (Jacobs, 2012, p. 27) Apart from the fore mentioned organizations, there are other distinctive organizations that consist of professionals that do group work such as the American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA) and the Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW). When it comes to ethics, these associations have their own code of ethics. In order to be an effective counselor or leader one essential be able to include their jockeyledge of and the ability to integrate the code of ethics into their professional casual practice.In the field of counseling there are two central components of a code of ethics. The first component is a code outlines the prescribed or mandatory professional behaviors by which counselors are expected to govern their conduct and the second component is a code that contains aspirational components, which elevate active ethical reflection that fosters clarification of fundamental ethical beliefs of the profession.(Kocet, 2006) Due to the many errors that counselors or any other associate may encounter in their career not every code of ethics can encompass every potential ethical dilemma faced by a professional. To help professionals in this area, the code of ethics can serve as a regulatory guide for laying the foundation necessary to promote the force and value of counselors. It is up to that person to abide and follow and/or do what is morally right. However, not everyone is perfect. Romans 323 For all have sinned, and come miserable of the Glory of God.The hot topics that are consistently be a problem in the field of counseling are those of leaders who are not fain and/or qualified, lack the knowledge of organism an effective leader, leaders having a dual race wit h its members, confidentiality of the leader and some of the members that are in attendance in the group. Counselors can have successful group sessions only if they were to prepare themselves and follow the guidance that is provided to them within the code of ethics.In the Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW) Best Practice Guidelines (2008) it states Group counselors do not attempt any techniques unless thoroughly trained in its character or under supervision by a counselor familiar with the intervention. (Jacobs, 2012, p. 28) Following the guidance provided within the Best Practices can help counselors or any other associate not make the many errors that are made when the lack of knowledge is not present. Leading a group without knowledge is also unethical, especially trying to lead one without the proper materials, guidance, and/or a seasoned counselor/leader.It is very imperative for a leader to have the knowledge of the group they are waiver to lead. The lack of k nowledge is like the blind leading the blind. If problems, questions or situations transcend in a group a leader should have some perceive of knowledge on how to handle them and/or what steps to take to get the group back in order, if it comes to that point. In an article that addresses education/ develop and professional competency along with other ethical issues in exercise psychology (i.e. counseling or clinical physiology), it too abides by the same guidance in reference to ethics. In their field of training licensed psychologists with limited or no training in the movement sciences should not ethically refer to themselves as exercise psychologists because of a lack of proper training in exercise science. (Pauline, Pauline, Johnson, Gamble, 2006) Proverbs 1521 Folly is joy to him who is destitute of wisdom but a man of sympathiseing walks uprightly.Relationships outside of the group session are not alship canal harmful however the leader (professional) and member (client) mu st be able to still maintain a business relationship without things getting out of hand, in which some cartridge clips they do. In reality It is the leaders responsibility to make trustworthy the therapeutic relationship is not being jeopardized. (Jacobs, 2012, p. 29) Dual relationships/multiple-role relationships occur when the therapeutic connection has geared towards a friendship relationship. Duringthese relationships leaders must maintain ethically proper professional boundaries to include the atmosphere that they will be in. If leaders are red ink to form relationships outside of the group setting and/or might environment boundaries must clarified prior to. If a leader finds himself or herself gaining emotional feelings for the client or vice versa, the leader needs to take the more conservative approach that was suggested by Bernstein and Hartsell and follow it once a client, always a client (Pauline, 2006)Confidentiality is another major ethical issue in counseling that often arises in a variety of modern and exercise counseling settings. According to Jacobs (2012), There are two issues regarding confidentiality that nay group leader should understand the leaders ethical responsibility for keeping material confidential and the leaders lack of total control regarding members keeping matters confidential. Members turning to counselors for assistance with their matter and/or guidance go to them because they feel as their issues, matters or concerns will remain in the setting that was chosen for them to talk confidentially.Leaders divulging entropy about clients/members to anyone is unethical the only time that a leader may divulge information about a member is when it is a case relations with a child or it is an adolescent group. In China, the field of counseling psychology also faces the same ethical issues that many other counselor, associate or professional encounter. In a survey-based study of Chinese professionals to explore general ethical aw areness and features of ethical dilemmas, Chinese professionals demonstrate a strong awareness of professional ethics, but they require more training in regards to the issue of confidentiality. (Qian, Gao, Yao, Rodriguez, 2009) In comparison to American participants, a larger number of Chinese participants regarded not to inform the client of the aim of psychological assessment or to record a session without receiving prior consent from the client. The most prominent ethical problem that was reported by athletes that was receiving counseling was The counselor breaks the rule of confidentiality and reveals the content of counseling to ones coach. (Qian, 2009) Although confidentiality cannot always be guaranteed, The best way to delay any breach of confidentiality is to stress itsimportance and discuss the subject whe neer it seems necessary. (Jacobs, 2012, p. 30) Counseling deals with providing professional guidance by the usage of standard psychological methods such as that of col lecting case-history data, using various techniques of the in-person interview, and testing interests and aptitudes. In the mental process of counseling, the counselors goal is to help the individual toward opportunities that can grant the sterling(prenominal) fulfillment of his or her personal needs and aspirations.The counselor set their best efforts forth in order to clarify the clients own sentiment rather than to solve his or her problems. Professional counselors (such as educational guidance and career counselors) and counseling psychologists (such as marriage and hardship counselors) are found in a wide variety of institutional settings and in private practice. (Merriam-Webster, 2013) In the field of counseling there are many principles and standards that counselors must abide by. individualised and professional values often predict and guide ones choices, finalitys, and behaviors in interpersonal, complaisant, and professional realms. (Crether Winterowd, 2011) Coun selors having these qualities in the field of counseling can help prevent some of the ethical issues and/or concerns that occur in counseling. Social counseling, another approach in the field of counseling, is both a goal and a process for counselors who believe in developing an increasingly socially and world, one in which all people receive equitable opportunities to access resources and participate in policy and law development that affect them, ultimately resulting in a society that embodies harmony between the needs of individuals and the needs of the whole. (Crether, 2011). Social justice is utilise in individually counseling as well as that of family counseling. Issues In Group Counseling In group counseling many problems may occur in different areas, especially when it comes to trying to have a productive group session. Issues that may occur in group counseling has been known to occur in the areas of coleading, legal issues, seek, training, and future trends. Each of the stated issues are very grand for counselors to learn about prior to their leading of a group.The environment in which counseling is practiced is complex and ever changing, and new ethical issues are constantly emerging. This makes it difficult for even the most ethically conscientious practitioners to keep current. (Herlihy Dufrene, 2011) According to an article that was produced by Journal of Psychology and Christianity, It is incumbent upon all professionals who provide counseling, therapy, or mental health services to offer quality care and to work within the bounds of their professional ethical guidelines. (Schneller, Swenson, Sanders, 2010) These guidelines have been developed by major professionals that provide subject matter expert services, including those professions in the psychology field, social workers, licensed professional counselor, and psychiatrists. The codes that each of these professionals use address issues such as maintaining client confidentiality, advocati ng for client/patient welfare, and appropriately handling multiple-relationship issues. Counselors seem to make many errors within the counseling field this could be from the lack of training, knowledge and education of counseling.One should neer use group therapy for their own personal growth. According to Jacobs (2012), We have heard of numerous instances of leaders drawing attention to themselves and using the group for their own therapy. This is unethical. (p. 29) Leaders making mistakes in group sessions may cause a group to fail at disjunctive tasks when a too-confident leader rejects a superior solution offered by a subordinate. Seeking advice from someone that is not equal to another individual is not always an unwise decision. Seeking and/or accepting advice from another individual is not always harmful.When they put their minds together and/or work together on a task, discussion or whatever the case may be a resolution to a task, problem, or situation can be resolved wit hout looking back and stating shouldve, wouldve, couldve after its failure. Coleading in counseling is when a leader has one or more colleagues assisting with leading a group. Although this could be an advantage for some cod to a coleader offering additional ideas, pointers, feedback, support, and so forthin group sessions, especially when therapy groups are intense and difficult to handle and/or work with.According to Jacobs, (2012), One disadvantage for some agencies and settings is that coleading takes time away from other counseling duties and can add stress to an already demanding work schedule. (p. 451) former(a) disadvantages that my occur when having a coleader is that of different personalities, styles and goals. It is known that no matter how much in similar two or three people are, there is going to be some type of disagreement or differences amongst them because God did not make everyone the same and people are entitled to have their own opinions and use their way of t hinking.Romans 126 Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether Prophecy, let us Prophesy according to the proportion of Faith. in addition, within the disadvantages of coleading is that of interpersonal conflict, ineffective communication, competition between leaders, envy and overdependence on the coleader. Not having effective communication amongst the leader and coleader will continue to have problems within the group because neither will be willing to listen to what the other has to say.Effective communication is important in any line of business, relationships, and work settings. In the coleader relationship it is noted that the relationship between coleaders promotes a potential dynamic that would either facilitate or complicate the group process. In order to have an effective relationship in such a group setting it is important that the counseling profession learn as much as possible about the relationship kinetics and how they affect the group process. (Luke Hackney, 2007) When leaders are incapable of working together, it will be almost impossible for them to lead an effective group and members may not see them as being capable to provide them guidance and/or assistance with their reason of being a part of the group. Legal issues occur in counseling when counselors fail to take into consideration the act of due care of their members and acting in heartfelt faith of their well-being. When leading a group, leaders must practice within their limits of expertise and not neglect their duties as a group leader.Counselors have been sued in cases where malpractice was not within the professional setting of the position group or individual session being held (i. e. Female Patient Wins $1,423,000 in a Physical and Sexual Abuse Case Against her Psychotherapist). Counselors are being sued for in malpractice pitfalls in the following areas excessive or inappropriate self-disclosure business relationships with patients using techniques without proper training using incorrect diagnosis deliberately the reliable love exception for sexual relationships and out of office contact.The fore mentioned pitfalls are common problems that may arise in time of litigation and once these pitfalls are acknowledge by counselors or any other profession they can be avoided. Ethical standards require counselors to monitor their professional actions and to take responsibility for those actions, including those that are considered minor infractions. (Welfel, 2005) It is in the best interest of the counselor to keep everything professional amongst the group and/or individual that is being counseled in order to prevent a trajectory in their life.Great emphasis is being put on group therapy in order to for researchers to determine the effectiveness of group work. According to Jacobs (2012), Overall, research on the effectiveness of groups needs to be greatly expanded to reach the level of sophistication that has been establi shed on the effectiveness of individual counseling. (p. 459) In ratiocination for editorials findings of why research is limited in the group field it is due to the lack of time, finances, lack of interest and the difficulty of designing a research object where the variables can be controlled enough to study different aspects of group counseling.In an article titled Review of School Counseling Outcome Research, attempts were made in order to try and combine research studies of school counseling interventions to explore the overall effectiveness of such interventions. In order for this research to get started, the American School Counselor Association (2005) published The ASCA National Model A framework for school counseling programs, which is also well known as the ASCA National Model.The ACA National Model was developed in order to guide school counselors in designing, implementing, managing, and evaluating a comprehensive school counseling program. (Whiston Quinby, 2009) Alth ough this model was intended for great purpose of implementing comprehensive school programs, very few research studies have been conducted on the comprehensive programs. This goes back to the fore mention of Jacobs readings of why research is not effective in group research.It is in the hopes within the reading of Jacobs that researchers will empirically study different ways that students are taught to lead groups and what ways are more effective. (Jacobs, 2012, p. 459) In the future of counseling, Most experts seem to agree that group work will continue to be a major force in the field of counseling. (Jacobs, 2012, p. 461) Research is a continuous job that experts in the field of counseling must continue to do because of the many replaces that occur, especially ethical repugns and changes.Researchers are needed in the future to continue the investigation of the new Codes that may arise and analyze the effectiveness of them in the counseling profession. According to Jacobs (201 2), More training in specific group leaders skills is essential if leaders are going to be prepared for all the different kinds of groups that will exist in the next 10 years. Leaders that are going to continue to lead in areas of professions such as counseling they need to learn more ways to involve their members in the therapeutic process while integrating counseling theories.Research activities are subjected to higher demands on ethics and safety than similar activities that are not classified as research. Therefore, the boundary between research and non-research will often determine the ethical demands on an activity (Hansson, 2011) It is very important that researchers make a continuous attempt on ensuring research will continue in the field of counseling so that leaders will have the knowledge and leadership abilities to work towards successful counseling/therapeutic sessions.Group Versus Individual Counseling The question of which is better individual counseling or group ther apy has believably been a question of many years. According to Jacobs (2012), This is difficult to answer because people and situations are so different. With the question being asked of which is better it will have to be based upon the individual to decide due to him or her personal decision. There can be many advantages to both forms of counseling group counseling is not madefor everyone and neither is individual counseling. Group counseling can be an advantage to some people because they find it important to receive feedback/input from others as well as learning more from other individuals that are talking and within groups of teenagers they will often talk more readily to other teenagers than they will with adults. Group counseling assists with an individuals growth and problem solving with certain(prenominal) issues and/or concerns they have encountered (i. e. loss of a love one, addiction).In group therapy sessions, members are encouraged, not forced, to discuss openly and honestly about their reason(s) for being there. The leader/counselor works to create an atmosphere of trust and acceptance that will allow members to feel more comfortable and to support one another. In the article of Therapists views of the relative benefits and pitfalls of group work and one-to-one counseling for stroke, explored to see which form of counseling was beneficial for the bereavement.This case consisted of nine experienced bereavement therapies that had experienced both groups and individual forms of counseling. During their research it was determined that there is ample evidence that bereavement is a major health risk, involving enormous psychological and physical health costs to individual and society. (V tolerateo, 2010). Their findings in both individual and group counseling forms of bereavement are basically the same results from any other group session of counseling.For a group session members benefited more from the following areas social contact, social skill s practice, support, challenge of witnessing difference, generate a culture of honest sharing, and normalcy of grief. Members in group settings can find a sense of hope by sharing their thoughts and feelings from other members in the group. Although group settings can be a challenge at times it is still beneficial to those who desires a need of support from other individuals due to them not being able to do it on their own.This type of support was described as a dual thing of being supported and supporting(a) thereby indicating the inter-active nature of this function. (Vlasto, 2010) In individual counseling for the bereavement, individuals benefited safety, formation of reparative relationship, expressing extreme emotion and dealing with blocks and accessing deeper material. Individual counseling is more of a gentler and safer process for those individuals that are not yet ready to express or let out their total emotions amongst a group of people.Individual counseling can also be looked upon as enabling the initial story-telling and release of emotion. The building of trust and confidentiality, assured in a one to one situation, was thought to be particularly important for shy people or those who have difficult experiences of groups or families. Groups and individual counseling also have disadvantages to them. The disadvantages for group counseling sessions were that of non-disclosure of feelings and information, competition, and over-exposure.Individual counseling had disadvantages of power imbalance and intensity for both parties. Although these type of group settings have disadvantages they are not disadvantages that cannot be resolved in a civil manner. Groups, being primarily a social intervention, were thought to help clients feel less isolated and to see how other people grieve. Individual counseling was perceived as a safer experience providing clients with a chance to tell their story in depth, and to release deep feelings without embarrassment. (V lasto, 2010)In an outcome research that was developed in school groups related to specific issues, whereas other schools focus more on assisting students individually. The outcome of this researched found that individual counseling is generally more effective than group counseling. (Whiston, Quinby, 2009) Also within their findings individual counseling does not require a long process in order to be effective. Again, trying to figure which is better will be based upon peoples issues/concerns and the ability of the therapist.A therapist choosing group therapy over individual counseling or vice versa will altogether be based upon the therapist because they have to find within themselves what area are they more successful in. Working with groups or individually counseling? This decision making process can be factored upon the knowledge, education, and leadership skills that the therapist have. Personal Leadership Qualities My personal leadership qualities did not derive only from th e teachings within this manikin on how to lead a group or an individual counseling setting, it goes back many years. The leadership qualities came throughout my life of biography.On a personal note I have had to lead by a good example due to being a single mother for over 21 years and serving my country for over 16 years. Proverbs 226 Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. In order for one to be an effective leader they must instill within themselves the characteristics of caring, openness, flexibility, trustworthiness, honesty, patience, etc. Once someone sees these traits within an individual, more than likely they will be more than willing to seek that individual for guidance and/or support.Outside of the aforementioned(prenominal) characteristics a leader needs the following leadership qualities in leadership as well comfort and confidence within self to lead a group or an individual the ability to tune into other peoples feel ings, reactions, moods and words. Of the characteristics that are listed above I believe I now have all the qualities, not saying that I have had them the whole time. These personal qualities were within me but it came to a point when I wanted to share with others what I have learned from others leaders that were in leadership positions and from the education I have received.Leadership to some could possibly mean that they are in just in charge, but where they fell to realize is when that approach is taken no one will is willing to follow. When one falls into leadership rolls they must be able to lead and have the attributes of what it takes to be a leader. My beliefs of leadership skills are similar to the definition itself. I believe that one must have the knowledge, experience, the efficacy of motivating and taking care of people that looks for them for guidance and support.According to Jacobs (2012) Leading groups successfully requires a great deal from the leader. Often people lead groups when they entirely do not possess the necessary leadership characteristics. (p. 26) In the array we live by the Army Values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Self-less Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage, in which it spells out the Army acronym of LDRSHIP (leadership). For this course I conducted four Psychoeducational Group Sessions with co-workers from my lead of employment.Prior to me starting I almost did not have a clue as to how this was going to turn out because this type of setting was my first in my life of me having to conduct. I have had to conduct classes within the military setting but never within a counseling group session. But with prayer and support I was able to get through it. Matthew 1720 And Jesus state unto them, Because of your unbelief for verily I say unto you, If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you.The individu als were not forced to be a part of the group and none of them were required to state any personal information unless they wanted to. The first two group sessions that I conducted were more in tuned because of the number of personnel in attendance. In these sessions I wanted to command I used the leadership qualities that I had within me because I wanted to have a successful group session. Receiving feedback from individuals after the session I had used the majority of the leadership characteristics that were aforementioned.After receiving feedback from several of the members, it made me feel good that I was able to conduct a successful group session and to know that the sessions I was holding should be something that is done more often. Approach To Group Counseling Our approach to groups is based on the principles of impact therapy, which is a multisensory approach that recognizes that change or impact comes not only from verbal, but also visual and kinesthetic exchanges. (Jacobs , 2012, p.20) Over the last several weeks I have had to use certain approaches to hold group sessions. I had to ensure while holding these sessions that I had the right tone and body language to conduct them. If I was to show skittishness or my inability to lead the group the members probably would have thought I was incapable of leading or holding the group session successfully. In the group session I ensure that the members were well informed of what each session was going to be about. The leader approach that I used during the sessions was that of leader-directed.A leader-directed style can be of great benefit by provoking structure, thought-provoking questions, and group exercises. (Jacobs, 2012, p. 23) The leader-direct approach was a successful approach with the group because they were allowed to discuss and express their concerns about change and show their support for one another. At times an individual would want to continue for a long period of time but they had no issue with me informing them I would come back to them because other members wanted to speak.The members in my group sessions were all eager and willing to participate, although for the last two sessions, the participation for some was not feasible due to work or their absence from work. Overall, the outcome of each session held was a success regardless of the amount of members that attended. It was also a success because the members that attended were able to share information that was bottled up inside of them for quite some time. The ethical challenges they I encountered within the course was that, from the beginning I had to understand the meaning of ethical issues or concerns in the field of counseling.In everyday living I cannot say that I actually think of ethically living although it is a highly recommended practice in the military. The unethical challenges that I/we face in our everyday way of living is implementing the ethical values into our day-to-day living. This will help p revent many of the unethical behaviors that occur. It is critical that all professions understand and apply the code of ethics into their day-to-day practices. Isaiah 117-19 (KJV) Learn to do well seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.18-Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. 19-If you be willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. Conclusion The one thing that is very important within the area of ethics in group counseling, the counselor that is providing the counseling must have the leadership skills, knowledge and training in order to run a successful group session in counseling and/or individual counseling.Counseling is a field of profession that can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience not only to the counselor that is providing the counseling but to the individual or group that is receiv ing the counseling. It can be rewarding to both because if it was a success and issues/concerns were resolved and/or results were shown from the individual that was receiving counseling, although trials and tribulations may have occurred during the session, it was a success.A counselor/leader must be able to find within themselves which works best for them in the field of counseling, individually or group counseling. A leader should never jeopardize their career or lose sight of what counseling really is by not following the guidance that is provided for them, especially the ethical practices. The most important lessons or attributes that a counselor or associate can have in the field of counseling and that is of having a well-educated background, experience, and knowledge of how to be an effective counselor/leader. Reaching People. Restoring Lives.