Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Essay Comparing Hemingways A Very Short Story and...

Comparing Hemingways A Very Short Story and Fitzgeralds This Side of Paradise nbsp; When you first read a tragic, melodramatic love scene you feel like your heart is breaking too. Sometimes you cry. It is only after the initial rush of feelings that you begin to feel cheated. Usually the kind of writing that gives you the urge to be demonstrative does not stay with you as long as something more subtle. In Scott Fitzgeralds This Side of Paradise, the reader is presented with such a love scene in the form of a play. I admit to having sobbed for a solid minute after reading about the ill-fated romance between Amory Blaine and Rosalind Connage. However, the same subject, with different characters, told in a much more concise,†¦show more content†¦One of the ways that Hemingway achieves this is that his sentences alternate between dealing with a very small detail or specific moment and moving the story through long periods of time. In the opening paragraph of the story, Hemingway paints the picture of one night at the hospital. He takes time to note that there w ere chimney swifts in the sky. Later on we skip through his entire experience when he returns to the war, seeing the period only in terms of the girl. Hemingway can move through time quickly in the story without losing the thread of the narrative. There is nothing in the story that is not essential to understanding the experience of the boy and the girl. nbsp; In the Fitzgerald novel, on the other hand, there is so much extraneous material that it can be difficult to process. The twenty five page section that deals with the romance even changes style several times, moving from a play to prose and back again. There is none of the tight craftsmanship found in the Hemingway story. nbsp; Amory and Rosalinds lines are full of clicheacute;s and bright, splashy comments. The stage directions are things like, their eyes were blinded by tears, and other dramatic indications. The Fitzgerald tale is one of intense but fleeting impressions. nbsp; Another important distinction between the two stories

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

PROPOSAL FORM - 2037 Words

PROPOSAL FORM STRUCTURE AND PURPOSE the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom What are proposal forms? ï‚ ´ A proposal form is a standard mass-prepared document by insures to the insured for the purpose of disclosing the needed material facts, it is usually the form of questions that aim the insured to provide answers. ï‚ ´ It is the most common mechanism by which the insurer receives information about risks to be insured. ï‚ ´ Proposal form stands as an offer to the insurer of which the insurer is at liberty to accept or reject. ï‚ ´ If a proposal is properly presented, and an insurer accepts it, and the premium is paid (or there is an agreement to pay the premium) a contract comes into existence. ï‚ ´ Generally a†¦show more content†¦Ã¯  ± In many cases the details from the form are transferred to a computer file and this is reflected in the style of question and response required, specifically the confining of answers to boxes. ï  ± The proposer must answer the questions given fully to the best of their belief and knowledge ï  ± Answering all the questions does not relieve the proposer of the duty to reveal material facts for which there is no question on the form the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom Contents of a typical proposal form ï  ± Common questions across a range of insurances for b2c business: ïÆ' ¼ The name and address of the proposer, occupation and age ïÆ' ¼ Details of past claims and in some cases past or present insurances of a similar nature ïÆ' ¼ The period of time over which the insurance is required ïÆ' ¼ The basis upon which the premium will be calculated in the case of household cover this would be the sum insured for contents or buildings. ïÆ' ¼ In life assurance it would be the age of the proposer plus the sum assured. the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom Contents of a typical proposal form ï‚ ´ For b2b insurances, general questions might include: ï‚ § The name of the proposer, this would be the corporate or business name ï‚ § The business address would be required as would the addresses of the various locations from which the company operates, and for which it may require cover ï‚ § An exact description of the trade, business or profession carried on by the proposer would beShow MoreRelatedFree Cash Flow, Issuance Costs, And Macroeconomics Risk6500 Words   |  26 Pagescorrespondence to Qiaozhi Hu, Boston University Questrom School of Business, 595 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215, USA; telephone: (732)809-1105. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Design and Implementation of Simulation †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Design and Implementation of Simulation. Answer: Introduction This report is about role of artificial intelligence (AI) in shifting the balance of offense and defense in cyberspace with debate on the fact that whether cyberspace at present is offensive or defensive in nature (Ramchurn et al., 2012). The following report consist of two examples of application of artificial intelligence which is applied to software or network security. A proper analysis has been carried out on estimating the impact of AI which will affect the balance of offense and defense in cybersapce. Two of popular technologies that is artificial intelligence and machine learning has been discussed in details. At the present the popular issue which is being faced by various organization is the theft of information (Obrst, Chase and Markeloff., 2012). Autonomous malware is established by making use of methods or techniques of machine learning. Various experts round the globe are working on the idea of reducing the effect of one AI system over another AI system. Hacking which is possibly achieved by this system creates a path or way for altering the direction of original system and has the power and capability to easily access data containing vital or important information. Offensive cyber security will play an important role in changing or altering various methods of protection of threat (Goztepe, 2012). As there is rapid increase in the connectivity of devices with the various technologies like cloud, development of application and many other technologies have established a platform for different attackers and has forced the defenders in checking more parameters. When AI is implemented to various security problems then it can help in prevention of various cyber-attacks and helps in protection of privacy. Offense defense theory better known as theory of dilemma is a positive theory which is based on various international politics (Scherer., 2015). This theory depends on six factors namely mobility, protection, communication, firepower, dete ction and logistics. Role of AI in offense and Defense balance Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies are used now days used widely all over the globe. Many of this advanced technology have benefited the society. Due to the advancement in machine learning computing power, collection of data and capacity of storage also increases. In respect to cyber security the new methods and weakness can be easily analyzed to overcome the problem of further attacks in near future. Over a time, information security has been considered to be a war between man and machine (Demertzis and Iliadis, 2015). Development of Artificial intelligence is now moving the fight towards a new concept that is machine vs machine. Now a day the most important issue is the theft of information. Autonomous malware is made by using some methods of machine learning and it is capable of collecting and broadcasting of data of that system. It has also power to remain undetected for several years. This type of system threat is also known as adaptive malware. It is cons idered to be insecure or dangerous as it can be train to behave like a solider which has track location, focus on target and wait for the best moment to attack. It is considered to be dangerous when it is platform independent (Pathan, 2014). The most severe threat of handling over security of Artificial system is the amount of damage which can easy take place at the time of data breach. The present experts mainly focus on minimizing the impact which an AI system can bring to other AI system. Hacking which is made possible through this system provides the malware an opportunity to change the path of original system and can even access data. Computers are designed in such way that it can perform various task like analyzation of network traffic. Cyber security specialist can emphasize on designing of algorithm and making an analysis of emergency threats. Cyber threats are becoming complex day by day. Gathering of data which breaches, malware and phishing is now not enough. Rather than this new method will focus on identification of pattern with abnormal activity. Some firms can have AI power tools for speeding up of different process (Pistono, and Yampolskiy, 2016). Keeping oneself ahead of different hackers will help the organization in taking necessary steps during an emergency. Artificial intelligence can be designed in such a way it can act like white blood cells with antibodies which can neutralize threats which are out of pattern instead of shutting down the whole system. This methodology can be beneficial in curing of adaptive malwares which is discussed above. In this way the system can easily learn from past experience and can become stronger to this attack which is similar to an organism which has been exposed to diseases and it and overcoming of it. Cybersecurity when powered by artificial intelligence can be considered to be a natural way in protection of important data. There is an ongoing race between attackers and secure system builders. At present both the parities are building their data and upgrading their system. This is considered to be an ongoing process which consist of multiple layers and is not a onetime action. Cyberspace is offensive or defensive in nature Offensive cyber security will play a key role in shifting various strategy of threat and protection. Shift is taking place at this very moment because as the market is growing there is increase in threat which will ultimately affect all the users. Evolution of security has many problems like twist and turns. In many cases it is seen that technology playing a key role while on the contrary behaviors, weakness and motivation of people generally represent opportunity for advancement and positioning (Dandurand, and Serrano, 2013). This concept is equally applicable to attackers as well as defenders. Defenders generally focuses in maintaining confidentiality, integrity in an appropriate way which is generally considered to be cost effective way. Over long period of time the game was considered to be simple. Attackers generally work in such a way that it can damage network, system, software and people so that it can achieve goals. Defenders work in such a way that they easily exploit the a ttackers and helps in keeping the environment safe and secure. They generally focus to look into the electronic ecosystem under their guidance to build proper defense system by using proper methods (Chen, Abercrombie and Sheldon., 2015). With the continuous upgradation and use of technology which is becoming a platform for attackers to harm the user. As the connectivity of devices are increasing at rapid rate with the help of cloud connectivity, application development and other technology has created platform for various attackers and it has forced the defenders to analyze more parameters (Peel and Clauset, 2015). The attackers in many cases use certain tools and software for maintaining their position in the market. They collaborate with each other to develop harmful softwares. Security organization round the globe never develop offensive technologies as it would create bad image. They generally focus on working with defensive techniques (Syed et al., 2016). Hackers are those peop le which are involved in attacking of networks, assets and system of an organization. They are generally considered to be untrustworthy by various security community and hackers. Offensive security is making a revolution in the game and changing the social and economic models. This will ultimately result in dangerous and creation of more complex environment for the entire world. Offensive security generally focuses on fact of taking the fight to the enemy and making a control over the field where the battle is going to take place. Such things can operate in a various number of ways like blocking the access, making a compromise with the system and manipulation. Various business organization round the globe have put down the idea of investing in organization which has goal of developing malwares as they think that bringing harm to others is not considered to be good for any ongoing business (Yampolskiy, and Spellchecker., 2016). On contrary many investors have invested a lot of money in this market which has ultimately impact their reputation in the industry. In the year of 2011, various government bodies of the globe realized that everything is connected to the internet which is inclusive nuclear sites, stock markets, telecommunication, and many other things. Various American bodies have declared cyberspace as the fifth platform for war after land, sea, air and space. They have also made an announcement about the idea of including open investment, adaptation which has been included in structure of defense. Defense bodies of many organization have been recruiting various hackers and finding proper talent which can be used in case of emergencies. Investment in the cybersecurity is found to be good if its only for correct or right consumers. In the end it is concluded that various business, individual and computers depends on systems for their everyday work and they will be largely affected by directly and indirectly methods in case of security breaches. AI applied to software or network security When artificial intelligence is applied to security then it can help in prevention of cyber-attacks and protection of privacy. Cyber-attacks: Various software which power our systems is generally subjected to error in code as well as problem in security which can be exploited by various human hackers. There is requirement of systems which tackle errors as well as defend various incoming attacks. AEG stands for automatic exploit generation is considered to be the first end to end system which is designed for automatic exploit generation (Yampolskiy, and Spellchecker., 2016). It is developed for off the shelf as well as ERP software whose use has been increased in various smart devices and appliances. AEG is very useful in analyzing Bugs which are errors in softwares that can easily result in unexpected result for security breaches. If any issue of security breach is found then bot will automatically produce a control over it. Algorithm of automated signature generation will have input of collection of exploits and will provide output as intrusion detection system (IDS) which help in recognition of proper expl oits. Previously signature depended solution does not help us a lot in detection of cybersecurity attacks. There a wide variety of cyber-attacks and signature based system are considered as an issue at present. Cyber security defense will be used by machine which will help in detection and interaction without the involvement of human beings. Various well-known bodies like CSAIL (MIT computer science and artificial intelligence laboratory) and PatternEx which is a well-known machine learning startup have jointly developed a platform known as AI2 and by the help of this system they can easily predict cyber-attacks much better than existing system by the help of continuous new upgradation from various human experts. This technology works continuously by providing a chain of feedback between AI systems and various human analyst. This technology is known as Active contextual modelling and is easy to learn. Protection of privacy: Apple during one of its conference clearly stated about the idea of using various privacy methods for maintaining privacy of customers. On the contrary it aims in keeping an eye on the value of various data to provide better customer experience. Various methods of privacy have been already discussed but this new method is considered to be best. Various methods of privacy protection provide new ways for securing data on the network. This type of technology can be used for finding patterns or tracking of terrorist in a given population (Yampolskiy, and Spellchecker., 2016). The problem of data mining and privacy are considered to be bit complex because technologies like data mining and machine learning creates a threat on different personal and privacy laws. Good policies are taken to be key in long term development of various machine learning softwares. In many cases it is seen that data is accidentally or intentionally mined by various analyst across different industries. Offense and Defense theory Offense and theory is also known as security dilemma theory is a positive and confident theory of international politics. This theory generally emphasizes that when defense has advantage over offense then major wars can be easily avoided. In the past years the theory has played a vital role in maintaining international scholarship and putting a check on various foreign policies. Offensive defense logic can also be used to narrate the cause behind world war 1 (Nagarajan et al., 2012). It also explains the reason behind effective control which can easily minimize the risk races of arms and war across globe. In the beginning offense defense theory requires ratio of cost of force required by attacker to the cost involved by defender force. This explanation of the theory can be useful for offense defense theory because its balance aims in providing essential connection across state of power and various military bodies (Jakobson., 2013). It generally emphasizes for choosing best techniques for attack and defense. This theory in general requires various assumption as it emphasizes on effects of issues and opportunity stated by various bodies from international environments. As a result, decision does affect balance of offense and defense, on the contrary poor or bad choices about military things or forces will affect different military bodies. The shortfall presents the lack of military skills which will not change the balance of offense and defense (Okimoto et al., 2013). Offense and defense theory sets up a term known as broad approach for analyzing the balance of offense and defense. Many analysts round the globe have stated that military technology and geography are only two factors which balances the theory. The cost ratio of offense to defense is inclusive of various definition of offense and defense balance. Among these things offense has some advantage like it is easier to destroy or damage others army and capture the territory and defending its own one, defender has encouraged the attacker to make investment in various offensive forces. It is preferred to be analyze offense and defense balance as the ratio of cost of force which the attackers need to take the territory to the cost involved in the defender forces (MacDonald and Kuehn., 2012). The balance of offense and defense plays a vital role in combining various power and skills in analyzing a state of military techniques and ability for determining the potential capability of military which will be helpful for maintaining security as well as achieving non-secure aims and goals (Medvedev, 2015). The balance can be helpful in achieving disparities in various of resources of state. In case of large advantage of defense, a state whic h is smaller than this can be helpful in achieving proper defense. Imbalance in power can sometimes lead to effect the balance of offense and defense. Now if the defense has large advantage then a wealthier attack can be effective to a defender by a small portion to have proper offensive ability (Yi-yan, 2012). Any definition or explanation of offense and defense irrespective of dependence on cost ratio generally needs a number of specification and assumption without which balance cannot be defined and properly explained. Cost ratio of attacker to defender is not properly defined until and unless the cost of fighting which has attacker has incurred. This is due to the fact that cost of forces need to capture territory depends cost involved in fighting which the attacker has to bear or incur (Saltzman, 2013). This mainly relates to the point or idea that capable and costly forces will result in low cost fighting which is less than capable forces (Shaheen, 2014). A proper way or method is the put conservative methods for planning methods which is used by various defenders. Changes or adjustment in any of the factors like technology, geography, size of force and nationalism will have a significant effect of balance of offense and defense. Factor which is largely affecting the balance of offense and defense is technology (Lieber, 2014). Six major areas of technology, mobility, protection, communication, firepower, detection and logistic. Implication of geography has least effect on the factors which effec t the balance of offense and defense. Balance of offense and defense may vary on the size of forced which is being used. Nationalism effects the balance of offense and defense in two ways at first it encourages people to fight for their territory and secondly it can act as a defender during the time of war. Cumulativity of resources is a term which is used explaining after effects of war on different on various international balances of power of resources. Conclusion From the above discussion it can be easily that the report artificial intelligence is about shifting the balance of offense and defense in cybersecurity. An analysis has been made about the amount of change which the AI will bring. Two technologies namely artificial intelligence and learning technologies are being used popularly all around the globe (Lieber, 2014). Cyber security specialist is focusing on collection of designing of algorithm with proper analysis of various existing threats. Artificial intelligence is designed in such a way that it can act like white blood cells which can minimize the impact of threat without the need of shutting down the whole system. When cybersecurity is given backup by artificial intelligence it can be considered as a natural way of protecting data (Nilsson, 2012). At present offensive cybersecurity will play a vital role in making a shift in various process of protection and danger. Defenders all about focusing in the maintenance of confidentiali ty in an appropriate way which is taken to be a cost effective method. When artificial intelligence is applied to security then it can help in protection of cyber-attacks and privacy protection (Lieber, 2014). Different software which provide power to our system can easily have error in code with issue in security which can be damaged by human hackers. Apple during one of its conference narrated the idea of using different methods maintenance of privacy of various customers. Offense defense theory which is also known as security dilemma theory has been explained in details. This theory is positive and confident theory of which contains various international politics. This theory generally depends on five factors namely technology, mobility, protection, communication, firepower, detection and logistic. References Chen, Q., Abercrombie, R.K. and Sheldon, F.T., 2015. Risk assessment for industrial control systems quantifying availability using mean failure cost (MFC).Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research,5(3), pp.205-220. Dandurand, L. and Serrano, O.S., 2013, June. Towards improved cyber security information sharing. InCyber Conflict (CyCon), 2013 5th International Conference on(pp. 1-16). IEEE. Demertzis, K. and Iliadis, L., 2015. A Bio-Inspired Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Framework for Cyber Security. InComputation, Cryptography, and Network Security(pp. 161-193). Springer International Publishing. Goztepe, K., 2012. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Mobilink Telecommunications Pakistan free essay sample

This report is a result of the instructions of our teacher, Ms. Sobia Shokat. Who is conducting the course Principles of Management. This effort by the student team will serve two distinct purposes; the first is to establish a comprehensive working model of the management practices at Mobilink. The second advantage is to evaluate the organization from an independent observer’s point of view; this would result in establishing an impartial but critical analysis of the organization. This analysis would help in isolating any problem areas with in the organization that might have crept into its day to day affairs. The report starts off with a brief profile of the organization. It then looks at Mobilink’s parent firm, Orascom Telecom and what values Mobilink have inherited from this multinational telecommunications company. It then looks at the company mission statement, its vision and its core values. Then the report looks at the key management functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. We will write a custom essay sample on Mobilink Telecommunications Pakistan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Then the student team attempts to undertake a SWOT analysis of the organization under the current market and prevalent situation. Then the report looks into the strategic management of the company and how it plans to preserve its position of market leaders in the country by improving on the quality provided to its existing customers and also attracting new consumers so that the company continues to grow in the years to come. Finally the student team has attempted to put forth a list of suggestions to the management of he company so that it helps them not only the current market status of leaders in their field but also to continually grow into the future by providing ongoing value addition improved services and products to its valued customers. Another example is the Karachi to Hyderabad highway. Mobilink commuters that are traveling to and from these cities are able to enjoy the same connectivity standards while on the move. Functions of Management Planning A wise man once said Those who fail to plan, plan to fail Planning involves selecting the mission statement, objectives and the setting of courses of actions to achieves these objectives in the short run and the mission in the long run. Good plans provide a rational approach to achieving pre-selected objectives. It is basically the duty of the senior management to develop plans which if followed in letter and sprit lead to the realization of the objective and goal of the organization. Planning is concerned with the future impact of todays decisions. It is the fundamental function of management from which the other four key function branch out. The organizing, staffing, leading and controlling functions stem from the planning function. The manager is ready to organize and staffs only after goals and plans to reach the goals are in place. Likewise, the leading function, influencing the behavior of people in the organization, depends on the goals to be achieved. Finally, in the controlling function, the determination of whether or not goals are being accomplished and standards met is based on the planning function. The planning function provides the goals and standards that drive the controlling function. In Mobilink, the top management emphasizes a great deal on planning. They spend a lot of time only to plan all the organizational activities and goals and also the methods to achieve them. There are 2 different sets of planning which are done in MOBILINK which are Organizational Planning (Internal recipients) Marketing Planning (External recipients) In organizational planning, the company develops things like the vision, mission statement, the goals, the over all objectives of the organization. This also involves developing a list of alternative strategies on how to achieve these desired results. Then finally the best possible alternative is selected and a course of action is developed to follow. The organizational plans are shared – as per job description and need to know basis – with the internal components of Mobilink. That is the employees – as per their position in the corporate chain – are made aware of what the management wishes to do with the organization and how it plans to go about meeting these objectives. The Marketing plan is something that is more dynamic and market driven. The ultimate recipients of this plan, or the people at which it is directed are the customers of Mobilink. This plan is more of a guideline, a working model which the marketing department uses to come up with newer ways to attract the target audience. Types of Planning Company Mission statement The mission statement broadly identifies what the company is set out to achieve. Our mission is to be the primary telecom operator in the country, providing the best quality services to our customers, value to our shareholders, and a dynamic working environment for our employees. Company Vision This can be called the purpose of the company; it identifies the basic functions of the company Mobilink aims to not only retain its large customer base, but also provide the best possible products and services to its valued customers with continuous innovation and technology. Company Objective These are the activities towards which all the activities are aimed. Be there for you, always We speak your language Aur Sunao! Company Goal The end point of planning, and also the end point of organizing, staffing, leading and controlling Reshaping communications Company Strategy This would be the long term objectives of Mobilink, and the course of action that it takes to achieve these objectives in the short run as well as the long run. To serve the Pakistani telecommunications market effectively Company Policy The general plans or generalized laws or statements that provide a direction to creative thinking. All activities of Mobilink must adhere to the company policy. This policy is stated below Maximize profits staying the cellular phone services business of the country Company Procedure Any plan that handles the future activity of the company. These are chronological sequences of required actions that the management enforces so that the goals are met. The hiring procedures The operations procedures The way in which clients are handled The product development procedure The employee training procedure Company Rules Rules are strict actions that need to be done or avoided. They allow no discretion. Mobilink follows certain rules like no new connections will be provided to those persons that do not have the latest computerized national identity cards. This rule is very strictly enforced and if any employee is found to be in violation of this rule then this bears serious consequences. Company Budget A budget is simple a statement of expected results stated in numbers and figures. The creation or development of such a number is a very tiresome and tedious procedure at Mobilink. The top brass of the company in consultation with the parent firm of Orascom is responsible for the budget creation of Mobilink. Management by Objectives The company is very much managed objectively. This is evident in the fact that all promotions are based on results, and target achievements. The promotions from the post of associate level 2 to associate level 1 is done after complete and through evaluation of the employees performance over a period of two years where he is judged not only on how much business he has brought into the company but also how he has managed to satisfy both internal and external customers on the assigned tasks. His over all outlook towards his job responsibilities are also a good bench mark as to the direction senior management sees him taking. Over all the level of enthusiasm is seen in the individual who is considered for promotion. For motivation, the company engages different professionals who develop leadership skills and team building and trust relationship amongst the many departments of the company. The company is renowned for the many training seminars and motivational workshops that it conducts for its employees. It is not very uncommon for Mobilink employees to travel not other countries, especially those countries where Orascom Telcom has a presence for the training and development needs of its key personnel. Also the company makes use of the various training institutes that exist in the country for professional trainings and employee development. Management is also very flexible towards those employees that want to pursue advanced or higher education during evenings and weekends. In fact certain departmental heads have been know to encourage their sub-ordinates to enroll in masters program and further their careers. Compensation Planning for Employees Compensation is basically what the company pays someone to entice them to continue to do work for the company – it is a critical facet of any managers job. Compensation includes many things beyond straight salary. It also includes benefits, perks, stock options, etc. The company has to balance what these cost against what the employees perceives as their value, and that varies by employee. Mobilink is well known in the corporate world for its very competitive remuneration and fringe benefits. These go a long way in keeping the employees loyal as well as motivated toward achievement of group and individual goals. This ultimately helps the organization grow ten fold. Mobilink measures compensation levels against other employees in the company, against other employees in other companies in similar positions, and against performances It then reevaluates the pay scale and if need be, a revision is carried out. Also Mobilink determines salary ranges for existing positions and adjusts those periodically to compensate for economic factors (cost of living changes, inflation) and competitive pressures (industry demand for that type of employee, profit margins, and of course the employee performance). Finally Mobilink complies with government regulations regarding discrimination, contractor versus employee determinations, and union and other contractual obligations. Organizing Organizing is the second function in the management cycle. Once strategic planning and management planning are implemented, organizing to get the job done is carried out. Organizing can be defined as the act of deploying the resources needed to achieve an identified goal or attain a desired result, including human resources. Principles of Organizing Organizing is based on the following five principles: Unity of command Span of control Delegation of authority Homogeneous assignment Flexibility Organizing Process The organizing process involves these five steps: Determining the tasks to be accomplished Subdividing major tasks into individual activities Assigning specific activities to individuals Providing necessary resources Designing the organizational relationships needed. In MOBILINK, these organizing activities flow from the top of the organization. The top management is concerned about how their plans are formally organized and every effort is made to maintain a strategic control in the organization. Qualities of a good organizer Management thinks strategically about their work while always keeping the final goal in mind and continually making contributions to the goal. This is especially important in the over all growth of the individual employees and ultimately of the company. A qualities working atmosphere include: Imagination Sense of Humor Blurred vision of a better world An organized personality Strong ego/sense of oneself A free, open mind, and political relativity Ability to create the new out of the old Organizational Structure The organizational structure of the company is that there is a board of directors. This board consist of the CEO and other top ranking officials of the Orascom Telecom group of companies in the world. Then Mobilink has the CEO, After him are the chiefs, below them are the directors for individual functional areas of the company. Below these there are the senior managers that look into coordination of overlapping activities and functions of the organization. Then there exist the managers, below these are the assistant managers, the associate levels one and two report to the assistant managers and finally there are field staff in the sales and marketing department. Mobilink consist of more then 650 franchise based distributors through out the country. The number of these distributions is growing with each passing quarter as newer locations and cities are brought into the Mobilink network. Organizational Chart Levels of Management The levels of management and supervisors as defined and developed at Mobilink is as follow. The directors act as direct supervisors for the middle and lower level managers. Above the directors there exist the chiefs that are highly specialized in their functions and demand through compliance of practices and procedures from their employees. Above the chiefs is the CEO who is steering the direction of Mobilink. Structures: Centralized versus Decentralized, Line versus Staff In MOBILINK, working productively and developing feelings of cooperation and effectiveness is one of the key most aspects of the staff functions. This means that not only right people for the right jobs are hired but also developing staff with in the organization so that they can become better managers and grow in their respective fields. In MOBILINK, There are four primary elements in designing an organizational structure: 1. Job specifications what each division/office/unit is responsible for 2. Departmentalization the grouping of jobs and responsibilities in common sectors with the objective of achieving coordination 3. Span of control a definition of how many job roles should be in each unit and which roles require coordination by a unit manager 4. Delegation of authority assigning the right to make decisions without having to obtain approval from a supervisor The resulting organizational structure will vary according to these four elements. An organization with decentralized authority and very heterogeneous departments will appear very different from one with centralized authority and a very homogeneous product. Practical Aspects of Directing Teams When directing a small team it is important to structure the tasks to be performed. Goals should be easily understood by everyone and tasks broken down so that they appear achievable. Nothing will be more demoralizing for ther team than setting them a task which seems impossible. Therefore it is important to define a task as a series of small but significant steps which seem realistic. As the person performs these broken-down steps he/she will still feel that something tangible has been accomplished, and the next step toward finishing will become clear. Goal analysis It is probable that the team leader will want to set goals for the team or project. One such goal may be to improve communications amongst the team. Clearly there will be many different interpretations of this goal by different team members. Goal analysis seeks to remove this ambiguity. Goal analysis should define an abstract goal in terms of concrete criteria, which when met will clearly demonstrate that the goal has been achieved. The criteria should be expressed in terms of actions or results rather than abstractions (which may be ambiguous). There are 5 steps: Write down the goal. At this stage the goal is an abstract thing, and it is important not to worry too much about how the goal is written down a rough definition or idea will suffice. Without editing or judging describe the goal. Get team members to quickly describe what they understand by the goal. At this stage all suggestions should be noted down no ideas are wrong or stupid. This is similar to the technique of brainstorming. Sort. Sort out the ideas generated by 2 into an ordered or prioritised list which defines the goal. At this stage it may become apparent that some ideas are abstractions but are still important. If this is the case use steps 1 and 2 to clearly define these. State each action or result obtained from the step above Make the team read and try to understand the list from step just above this. Test the statements. Ask the question When these all statements have been demonstrated to be true, will the goal have been achieved? Test each statement in turn for relevance. If the answer is yes then the goal has been defined. Factors in Leadership There are many factors involved with good leadership. We view how each of these factors is involved with the way a leader leads. Motivation The key to holding the team together is motivation. In simple terms, motivation can be considered as the amount of effort an individual is willing to put into their work. Therefore, it is important to ensure that any team is highly motivated towards their work. A lack of motivation in any member of a team can have a negative affect, reducing the groups effectiveness and possibly leading to the de-motivation of others. Given the fact that different people are motivated in different ways, the problem facing someone in the role of leader is to create an environment in which each individual fulfils their potential. It is important to highlight the major influences in the motivation of people. According to the influential motivator-hygiene theory, motivation occurs when people have job satisfaction. Job satisfaction can be improved by increasing opportunities for: Achievement Recognition Responsibility Career advancement While not increasing job satisfaction, improvements in the following areas can lessen job dissatisfaction: Supervision Salary Working conditions Six Steps to Motivation Utilized by Mobilink The following steps can be taken to help achieve and maintain group motivation: Provide opportunities for group members to become acquainted. Indicate the importance/value of the group. Make people feel they are important.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The quakers essays

The quakers essays The development of the Quakers in the United States one of the examples of a great opportunity lost to ignorance. The By the mid 1700s, the numbers of Quakers in the US far out numbered the Quakers in Britain. It possessed many qualities to make it the dominant religion of the colonies. However, the within the large population rigidity began to grow among the Quakers. It failed to adapt to changing times as Puritanism did, thus, it remained more static. Soon, many Quakers became more interested in perfecting their purity than spreading their message to others. Slowly, Quakerism began to put up a wall. Through their religion, the Quakers had a great hankering for martyrdom. They sought it out actively; trekking through dangerous territories and going to places and preaching where they knew they were unwanted. Suffering for their Lord was a prevalent in their society. They would withstand beating, torture, and even death in the name of sacrifice for their Lord. Their voluntary suffering was a way of strengthening their faith, but it also drew vast admiration for their resolve and unwavering devotion to their beliefs. Problems ultimately rose when Quakers became active in the Government. The issues of taking oaths became a hot button topic. Quakers refused to take oaths for trials, thus could not be witnesses or jurors for the courts. However, their unwillingness to comply made it possible for many crimes to be committed and go untried. Their stubbornness resulted in a more crimes punishable by death, since they compromised on taking an oath on matters of capital punishment. Quakers were also devout pacifists. Even as war broke out between France and England they refused to fight. Colonies surrounding Pennsylvania were what the Quakers relied on for defense. However, they seemed to remain oblivious to the fact that many Native American, which whom they were friendly with, were massacring people on the western borders. They ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

MLA Gets With the Times

MLA Gets With the Times MLA Gets With the Times MLA Gets With the Times By Maeve Maddox Probably the biggest change in the seventh edition of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers has to do with the section. No more underlining I abandoned underlining for italicizing as soon as I got my hands on my first computer. That was in the 1980s. MLA has finally come round and recommends italicizing titles of books, periodicals, films, etc. No more continuous pagination All you have to do now is enter the volume and issue number for a scholarly publication. New Abbreviations Didnt you just hate it when your web source didnt include a publisher or date of publication? Well, there are abbreviations for those now: N.p. no publisher n.d. no date n. pag. no pagination (ex. online journals) NOTE to web publishers: if your site contains useful, accurate information, give researchers a break and provide a date and publisher. URL not compulsory A works cited entry for a website will include author, article title, and name of the website, but the URL is not mandatory. (Its probably still a good idea to include the URL for an obscure site.) Multi-media Markers A medium of publication marker goes at the end of every entry. For example: PRINT, WEB, DVD, TV. If the source is from the web, the marker is followed by the date of access. You can see some examples of entries typed according to the new guidelines a the Purdue OWL site. Annotated sample research paper that follows the new guidelines. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Book Reviews category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Cost-Effective vs. Cost-EfficientWriting the CenturyDozen: Singular or Plural?

MLA Gets With the Times

MLA Gets With the Times MLA Gets With the Times MLA Gets With the Times By Maeve Maddox Probably the biggest change in the seventh edition of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers has to do with the section. No more underlining I abandoned underlining for italicizing as soon as I got my hands on my first computer. That was in the 1980s. MLA has finally come round and recommends italicizing titles of books, periodicals, films, etc. No more continuous pagination All you have to do now is enter the volume and issue number for a scholarly publication. New Abbreviations Didnt you just hate it when your web source didnt include a publisher or date of publication? Well, there are abbreviations for those now: N.p. no publisher n.d. no date n. pag. no pagination (ex. online journals) NOTE to web publishers: if your site contains useful, accurate information, give researchers a break and provide a date and publisher. URL not compulsory A works cited entry for a website will include author, article title, and name of the website, but the URL is not mandatory. (Its probably still a good idea to include the URL for an obscure site.) Multi-media Markers A medium of publication marker goes at the end of every entry. For example: PRINT, WEB, DVD, TV. If the source is from the web, the marker is followed by the date of access. You can see some examples of entries typed according to the new guidelines a the Purdue OWL site. Annotated sample research paper that follows the new guidelines. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Book Reviews category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Cost-Effective vs. Cost-EfficientWriting the CenturyDozen: Singular or Plural?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Emergency Planning and Security Preparedness Essay

Emergency Planning and Security Preparedness - Essay Example Importantly, homeland security seeks to reduce the vulnerability or the risk of exposure of United States’ citizens to terrorism and other criminal acts. In addition, homeland security has been instrumental in minimizing the losses or damages that may occur due to terrorism and other criminal acts (Coppola, 2008). This paper explores the impacts of technology and the emphasis of homeland security on security planning. In addition, the paper explores the changes realized in the emergency security protocol in the wake of increased security threats to the U.S. Effects of the Emphasis on Homeland Security on Security Planning The United States Department of Homeland Security was formed in 2003 following the reorganization of about 187 U.S agencies including the United States National Guard, the United States Coast Guard, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, the United States Secret Service, and the Transportation Security Administration among others (Coppola, 20 08). Homeland security, through the concerted efforts of all the agencies involved, has been quite successful at detecting and preventing terrorist attacks within the national boarders of the U.S. The elaborate security planning that has been occasioned by the interconnectivity and the cooperation among the agencies has further played a crucial role in fostering national security. Security planning has particularly been improved as a result of the enhanced preparedness, response, and recovery, which are the hallmarks of the Department of Homeland Security. In addition, the availability of funds for the Department of Homeland Security’s use in the planning and execution of its strategies and policies has prompted the effective, appropriate and necessary security planning. Homeland security has thus improved planning with regard to emergency preparedness and response planning (medical, emergency management, and police responses) (Sauter & Carafano, 2005). The planning of both i nternational and domestic intelligence and security operations have been done more promptly, more so by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The other aspects of national security planning that have benefitted due to the emphasis laid on Homeland Security include border security, transportation security, bio-defense, research, and detection of radioactive and radiological materials. Unfortunately, a lot of criticism has targeted Homeland Security, particularly about international laws. Thus, there have been conflicts between the United States and international bodies that are signatory to the Geneva Convention, whose provisions some of the status created by the Homeland drive have contravened (Sauter & Carafano, 2005). For instance, certain Homeland Security statuses have been found not to entirely conform to the conditions of the Geneva Convention. The importance of Homeland Security to national security thus emphasizes the need to further integrate domestic, foreign, and mil itary policies touching on national security, an integration that would promote the collaboration of military services, security departments and agencies of the Government in the handling of security matters (Sauter & Carafan

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Market Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Market Analysis - Assignment Example Also worth to note is the eventual interaction between online shopping and the gaming market. Gamers continue to purchase their preferred games online as opposed to the traditional approach where games were mostly purchased over the counter. This will obviously affect such outcomes as packaging. Marketers will be forced to shift from their current packaging models that mostly involve compact disks and memory sticks to other packaging models that are friendlier to online shoppers. Already, gamers are flooding social media sites to enable them to find fellow gamers and to indeed play a video game over the internet. Gaming coders are also ensuring that their games contain the requisite social media links so as gamers can share their progress and achievements over the social media sites and in the process contribute to marketing of the game. Mobile phones and tablets are the other market disruptors in the gaming market (Kammerlander, 2013). The current gaming sensation, Candy Crush, that boasts of over 45 million monthly users mainly derived from social media platforms. The game is not available through traditional consoles but through mobile phones and tablets. Candy Crush has since been declared as the most addictive and popular social media games of all time. The Candy Crush statistics has since dwarfed those of the former contenders Angry Birds and Farm Ville. Since its launch in April 2012, the game has attracted over 550 million installations across Apple’s ios, Google’s Android and Facebook. Also notable is the fact that the game’s revenue model is mainly driven by an integrated online shopping platform where gamers can purchase extra lives and functions or even purchase more time in between the allowable lockout period that is applied after one fails to complete a particular level even after numerous repetitions. King, the company that manufacturers Candy Crush receives $875,000 in revenues in a single business day by integrating the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

American English Essay Example for Free

American English Essay Ebonics has been an issue in the field of sociolinguistics for quite a long time. It was previously labeled as Negro-standard English, Black English, Black English Vernacular, and African American English Vernacular. It is known to have historical influences from West African and Niger-Congo languages. Researches focused on its similarities and differences with that of the Standard American English to provide explanations to whether it is should be considered as a separate language or at least a dialect of standard American English (Blommeart, 1999). The term Ebonics was coined by Robert Williams in 1973. It referred to the unique variety of language used by African Americans. However, it was not widely used until the proposal of Oakland Schools in 1996. yet, up to this day, experts prefer the term African American to make it consistent with that of other varieties of English like British English, Southern English and among others (http://www. cal. org/topics/dialects/aae. html). One of the differences pointed by Collins (1999) are the phonological processes like consonant cluster simplification and word-final position. For example, words like cold, test, and desk are spelled as col’, tess, and deks in Ebonics. The habitual BE verb of Ebonics may also be confused if will be read as standard English. The debate mainly focused on the issue as whether Ebonics should be a separate language or at least a dialect. It was not a major issue until Ebonics was proposed as a medium for instruction. The sociolinguistic debate was replaced by a more encompassing issue of education, language, culture, and perhaps, politics too. The Ebonics Controversy In December 18, 1996, the Oakland School Board proposed to recognize Ebonics as â€Å"primary language of African American children† and be treated as a subject for Language Art apart from the standard American English (Rickford, 1999). More specifically, the proposal claimed, â€Å"Ebonics was a language that should be recognized, tolerated, and accounted for is instruction of the district’s predominantly African-American student body† (Blommeart, 1999). It would have affected more than 52, 000 students in the district. The aim of this proposed project was improve the educational performance of the urban student body (Blommeart, 1999). The proposal started a debate not just among sociolinguists, but also among educators and politicians. Many of the critics of the proposal argued that the real cause of poor performance of the students was not a question of language but rather the â€Å"lack of effort, motivation, and commitment on the part of the students and their families. † (Blommeart, 1999).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

what is philosophy :: essays research papers

Very briefly, philosophy might be regarded as a conceptual enquiry dealing with fundamental issues relating to life, knowledge and values. By conceptual enquiry we mean an enquiry that relies primarily on critical reasoning. This includes : Analysing the meaning of concepts Identifying logical connections between theories Evaluating arguments and exposing fallacies Here is a Chinese newspaper article from MingPao on how philosophy improves critical thinking. Philosophy and other subjects According to such a conception of philosophy, philosophy is distinctive in both its method and subject matter. Art or literature might also deal with fundamental issues in life, but the use of critical reasoning is not a necessary part of artistic expression. Critical reasoning of course plays an important role in science, but science is an empirical enquiry into the nature of the world, relying on observations and experiments. In such respects philosophy is more like mathematics and logic. However, the subject matter of philosophy is more general in that it deals with all sorts of different areas outside mathematics and logic, such as religion and morality. Although philosophy is different from science, it would be a mistake to conclude that philosophy cannot contribute to the development of science. Philosophers can help scientists clarify the basic concepts in scientific theories, and use their skills in logic to evaluate the strength of evidence supporting or criticizing particular theories. Many sciences (e.g. psychology) originally developed out of philosophy. What philosophy can do Why should you study philosophy? If you are busy and don't have the patience or interest to reflect on fundamental issues, then perhaps philosophy is not for you. But for people who are interested in critical reflection, philosophy can be an enjoyable activity. There are other reasons for doing philosophy apart from pleasure. First, philosophical skills in thinking and writing and help us in describing and understanding theories and ideologies. Here philosophers take up the task of a cartographer, mapping out conceptual terrain and logical structure. Second, as mentioned earlier, philosophy can be an important tool in helping us acquire knowledge. Logic and critical reasoning are necessary to achieve consistency and in determining the right conclusions to be drawn given our observations and experiences. Finally, philosophy can also play a transformative role in our lives and social institutions. Through critical reflection on the justification and coherence of the values in social practices and our own actions, we do not just acquire a deeper understanding of our culture and of who we are.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Drink †Marketing Essay

The brand that we know of today, Snapple, originally was manufactured in 1972 as an all-natural apple juice business in Greenwich Village. Arnie Greenberg, Leonard Marsh, and Hyman Golden founded the Snapple Brand outsourcing production and product development building their network of distributers across New York City. Despite many product flavors that were failures, premium pricing balanced everything out and Snapple was still able to generate revenues. Unlike Snapple, from 1972 to 1993, much start up juice companies had failed or were sold off to larger distributers. Howard Stern, Rush Limbaugh, and Wendy Kaufman were a huge part of the success. The original owners sold the company to Thomas H. Lee Company in 1992, who then sold it to Quaker Oats in 1993. Quaker owned Gatorade and thought that by purchasing Snapple it would be as successful as the sports drink once they started stocking grocery store shelves. Unfortunately, Business Week tells us that this acquisition proved to be one of the major U. S. business disasters of the 1990’s. The brand lost 1. 4 billion dollars in value under Quaker’s ownership as well as the distribution channel power it had established years prior. Four years later, Ken Gilbert and Mike Weinstein of Triarc, used research from a NJ group, Deutsch, Inc. , to assess the company in hopes of setting priorities and to reverse the downward slide Quaker had left the company in. Ultimately, Weinstein had hopes of reinvigorating the brand, though Gilbert was hesitant. Deutsch had researched the brand and found solutions such as demarcating Snapple as a category set aside from any others like diet soda and chocolate milk. Weinstein felt that Snapple was an upbeat drink and that they should keep the ball rolling on an upward track to success. Primary goals for Triarc in the short term go along with some of the business decisions the company made earlier when it was known for its â€Å"all natural† beverages. Increasing sales volume and market share for the Snapple brand in general is the overall culture of the company short term. One example of how to do so would be signing celebrity spokesperson to reconnect with consumers as they once did with Wendy Kaufman. Wendy’s aberrant personality was a form of advertisement for the Snapple brand which also attracted the unpaid media attention. Hopefully with a new personality Snapple will appea4r again on Oprah, and David Letterman. An idea for a celebrity spokesperson would be Angelina Jolie. She travels the world, can show places she has been on commercials with people drinking Snapple. Questions she could ask would be based on their culture by what type of Snapple they enjoy. Market studies should be conducted while promoting the drink so that they can find the top ten favorite flavors nationwide and globally. Sticking by one spokesperson and earning the trust again of the public is key. Earning trust of the public will also include answering fan mail and establishing fan clubs. Over the long term this can be established. She can answer her mail on TV eventually as Wendy once did to connect back to the public. Triarc cannot decide to dump the celebrity midway during success and expect the consumers to respond favorably; we saw the result of this when Wendy was let go in prior years. This lost the brand’s authenticity and trust in the consumer’s eyes. Over the long term I feel that Snapple needs to also increase TV, radio, and print advertising which is innovative to the brand. Once the brand is more recognizable with a celebrity, the additional advertising will get the brand out there. The most important opportunity Snapple has at this time is where it is in the market. It needs to increase itself in the juice/soda drinking market segments. To do so the need to launch new products based on this beverage market what is most popular but keep the same labeling. Aggressive distribution and customer loyalty strategy’s is important. Snapple used to have events such as fashion shows where people would dress up in dresses made only of Snapple lids. Another idea would be to have games like McDonalds has each year with the monopoly pieces. It will get the public of all ages involved and it will be fun. Snapple was considered by many to be a good example of a conventional product that was marketed in an unconventional fashion. Snapple was a popular beverage brand in the USA and several other parts of the world. The brand was launched by the Unadulterated Food Company in New York, in 1972. Over the years, Snapple came to be known for its unconventional promotional efforts which earned the brand a substantial fan following. The Snapple Beverage Corporation became one of the first companies to enter the ‘New Age Beverages’market, which included non-carbonated drinks like tea and juices in the late 1980s. Snapple changed hands several times over the years. However, barring a few bad years, the brand remained very popular among consumers.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Classroom Management Plan Essay

In my first year as a teacher, I am committed to providing an environment where students are successful in learning, and understand the rules of the school inside and outside of the classroom. When students know they are in a safe environment, they feel safe to –ask questions, make mistakes, and be their selves. In keeping with tone of supporting students, behavior should not be punished, but re-directed to fit each students’ needs. My job as a teacher is to set the tone for such an occurrence and allow the students to see where they fit in. Providing the appropriate environment for all students to flourish will be my major goal in implementing good classroom management –it is necessary for the success of each student. I am committed to building my classroom into a safe and inspiring environment while engaging my students through the curriculum. While also getting to know them and interacting with them on a one-on-one basis. I know that meeting the needs of my students is a very integral part of my classroom management. Being comfortable with others students as well as myself, is also key to meaningful and respectful classroom discussions. I would like to have participation as a regular in my classroom, which could lead to group work. I want to make sure students are not afraid to learn from each other early on, so that when they are older they can see the importance of teamwork In my class I would say that I myself am very understanding and open with students. I recognize when they are not in the best of spirits, and when they have received good news. I will try my best to gage students by asking questions about their life outside of school. I want them to also feel comfortable with asking me questions, and know what is appropriate versus not-appropriate. Apart of self-rules, I don’t believe in forcing students to complete assignments, rather I give them the choice, along with consequences so they understand what is expected of them. I want my students to understand how to work for a grade, and know the feeling of satisfaction and earning an â€Å"A†. I am open to suggestions from students of what makes them comfortable in a classroom, so that they feel they are involved in the mechanisms of the classroom –which will give them motivation to learn and be enthused about learning. Physical Arrangement Coming into the classroom, students are met with natural lighting from the  windows and inviting tables and chairs with textbooks neatly stacked in each corner of the desk. Also upon entrance is a table where students can submit their work for the day as the exit the room to go to their next class. They feel excited and eager as they walk to their seats that they choose as their personal seat for the rest of the year. The seat formation is a square, in which students are two to a desk, and seated in front of or –in back of each other. There are three boards in the classroom: * A White-Board (in the front of the classroom) This board is used for writing down student comments. Daily news of important events Important information students should know for the day. * An Interactive Smartboard (on the right wall of the classroom upon entrance) This board is used for prompts and classroom discussions. Interactive classroom activities (i. e. , Jeopardy for test reviews, or lessons that describe how to mathematically explain graphing the equation of a line using slope intercept form) * A Cork Board (on the back wall of the classroom) This board will be used to display: â€Å"Student of the Week†, Top Assignment Grades, and Student Birthdays for the Month. My desk, which is at the head of the class and next to the whiteboard, has a bin for late assignments. Students are instructed to take out their notebooks and pens/pencils, and record the lesson for today located on the Whiteboard. The set-up of a classroom, as well as any room has an effect on the individuals that dwell in that space. I have the hopes that my classroom setting will be inviting to learning and exploration of growth. When I need the classroom to work in pairs or have discussions in groups, I will give them the opportunity to arrange the classroom into their comfort zones. On the walls, students are interested in an array of posters, showing basic steps in Mathematics, English and Science. I will refer to the posters throughout the year, to give students the independence necessary during their times of struggle –and help them recall where and what information is useful. In the far corner in the back of the room, will be a closet with books pertaining to unit discussions, and supplemental materials for writing, researching, atlases, dictionaries and art supplies for projects. These resources could be additional materials that students can look through out of curiosity or of obtaining extra information on a subject. In the far left, aligning the wall will be computers for individual use where students can research, and complete assignments. I have also attached a drawing of the schematics of the room, to show an environment that is conducive to discussions, individual work, and group work. By arranging the desks in square format, I am providing a learning atmosphere during times of lecture and note-taking, while allowing students to re-arrange during group work to give them that collective environment. The desks will not be connected to allow ease of access to each student, during times of monitoring. Teaching Rules/Behavioral Expectations I undeniably believe in keeping a safe environment where put-downs and name calling is not allowed –this also falls under respect. If I can have respect for my students as well as having them respecting each other, I believe this leads to a safe environment where learning can take place. As a part of school-wide rules, I am a stickler for gum chewing or eating and drinking in class. As far as cell phones and music, it is harder to stick to the status quo when it changes so much. I would like to give my kids the freedom to listen to music during their time of written expression or individual-work, as long as they are being respectful of each other, which means they are not blasting the music for everyone to hear, or interrupting other classmates. If it gets out of control, I will let them know that the privilege will be taken away, right from the beginning. As a part of school-wide expectation students are not to bring book bags/jackets to class, to which I uphold in my classroom. Students are required to wear a dashiki to school every day, and anyone not dressed in uniform is to be written-up (somewhat like a pink slip, that follows you throughout your school career), to which I am also an enforcer. I expect students to treat each other and myself with respect, which I outline in the beginning of class as –understanding for others and their lifestyles. I define the 5 step behavioral process as: Step 1: Verbal Acknowledgement Step 2: Verbal Warning Step 3: Name on Board Step 4: Call home Step 5: Write-Up and recommendation for Re-centering (Re-centering is a in-house detention served in the morning before school). If student behaviors are out ruled in the classroom, we will have a student-made Behavioral Process; where the students will come up with rules that will work to increase their learning potential. Students are more inclined to follow rules that they feel they have had input. This in turn will provide less resistance and more cooperation among students. Parents would also be sent a copy of the new rules, and informed of their child(s) desire to implement. Student will know that when the teacher is speaking, they are either taking notes as directed, or following along in required reading. There will be times, when a classroom discussion is held about the flow of material and how comprehensive it is to the students. Giving students the power to feel they have control over their learning. When I want to get the attention of my students I will hold up a quiet sign, and remain silent until all eyes are on me. I will then, say â€Å"Thank you for your cooperation†, and continue on with my lesson. Homework is to be given daily, unless there is a project due at the end of the week; in that case homework is given twice in the week. Late homework is to be turned into the appropriate bin located on my desk marked â€Å"Late†. Spelling, grammar, and organization will be counted towards total grade on ALL assignments. Communication/Daily Schedule It is my belief that involving parents can help with student issues while also gaining an insight to the student outside of the classroom. At the same time, engaging with parents to let them know they are a part of their childs’ education. I would like to send out a monthly newsletter or post an announcement on the web so parents can see what is going on in the classroom. I believe if parents are involved in their child’s school, the child will have more support at home and the parent can help with any issues that arise. I believe it is good to involve parents as much as possible. I will always have the agenda on the board so they can copy it down in their notebook everyday as they walk in. On some days I hope to have a free-writing assignment as a â€Å"Do Now†, so I can take role and they can be engaged and working on their writing. Notes will be taken in a notebook that I provide for easy-to-find assistance during a test, or review. Homework will be turned in at the end of class, as each student is dismissed by name. If the student did not get the homework done, they may lose a point each day it is not turned in. All assignments will have a chance to be turned in, and students will not be given less than half credit for an assignment turned in late. Next, we will begin out lesson. Pop up Quizzes can/will be given once a month, or as needed depending on participation in class. Interactive game days will be announces in advance, to give students something to look forward to in class. I want to make sure I leave at least five minutes to wrap up the lesson and reiterate the important points brought up that day. I will use different forms of assessment to make sure students understand the information, whether by passing out a graphic organizer, or having a discussion around the main points. I want to make sure my students understand the material as well as using higher-order thinking skills to analyze interpret or evaluate the material. I feel essays are a great way to let students express their learning, and interpretation. I would also like to give choices to students to demonstrate their knowledge of a given unit or subject, and believe that by allowing them to choose their way of competence they have another way in express their learning. I would grade on class participation including attendance, homework, group work and tests and quizzes. Group work is graded both at a group level but also at an individual level. I would like to grade as holistically as possible and I do not want students who are successful on tests, presentations or group work assignments to be penalized too much if they are not completing all assignments. My policy on late work will be that it is accepted but at a lower grade. I want students to learn, first. I do not want them to forget an assignment just because they missed the deadline. Encouraging Appropriate Behavior If students are showing signs of trouble getting homework in or not doing well on tests, I will have a meeting with them to help them get back on track. I will make a plan with them that their parents will sign, if necessary. I do not want my students falling behind because they are not doing their work. I want to stay on top of the students who may need an extra push. I want all my students to feel important in my class and another way I can accomplish this is helping them with their schoolwork and organization. I will be another person setting high expectations for all my students and helping those who may need some extra attention to accomplish their goals in the classroom. I want students to understand that they have control over their learning and it is not an innate skill or gene. I will help those who need it most by working with them one-on-one, if necessary. In the beginning of the year, all negative language in the classroom is immediately stopped. This will lead to students feeling safe to express themselves without fear of judgment. In turn, autonomy can prevent discipline problems as kids might act out if they are feeling attacked or unsafe in the classroom. I agree with this prevention strategy because once a student is not held accountable, then the problem will just perpetuate. Rogers talks about re-claiming teachable moments and how it is hard if you don’t catch a problem right from the beginning. I believe that this may make it easier in the long run, but I do not think you have to use a teachable moment right from the start to have it be meaningful. I believe if a problem is really out of control after two months or even five months, a proper, forceful teachable moment could teach the same thing even being later in the class. Establishing attention is one last preventative technique. Rogers insists that you should not talk over noise. I agree with this prevention and I notice that when I stand in the same place in the room, the kids will quiet down. If I â€Å"wait† for them to be quiet, they will quiet each other down. Establishing this early on is crucial in having an environment conducive to teaching and learning. It is essential that directions are heard and important points in class are heard. Discouraging Inappropriate Behavior If there is a consistent misbehavior problem, I will initially ask the student to talk to me after class. I will talk to him/her about the positive things they are doing in class and how I appreciate something they are doing, as in participating in class for example. I will tell them why their behavior is interfering in the class and have them meet with me later to make a plan of how they will be able to stop the behavior. In class, I will give them a warning and then ask them to move to the back of the room to work by themselves. I always want to keep consequences in line with the misbehavior. If the misbehavior continues, I will talk to the student and make a phone call home. I might also ask the parent to come into school for a meeting with the student. I think it is very important to involve the parents. I do not believe in throwing a student out of the room unless they are being harmful to others or me in the class–either physically or verbally. I believe that misbehavior should be addressed with the teacher and student communicating as much as possible. I feel that sending students to the â€Å"office† is overused. Instead of focusing solely on the misbehavior in the classroom, I want to focus on the good behavior and attitudes in my classroom. I want to acknowledge and encourage good behavior and academic success in my classroom. I will make sure that positive calls home will be given out for all students no matter how big or how small the accomplishment. I think parents really appreciate positive phone calls home and it also sets up a dialogue between parents and teachers. I also believe, in using rewards like stickers and stars, A’s or praise. I want my students to know it is okay to make mistakes and take risks in the classroom. I want to encourage my students by telling them specific feedback on assignments to let them know I am interested in their improvement individually. Although, I don’t want them to become dependent on my praise, I want them to be successful learners. I want to focus on improvement and effort, not just the final outcome. Conclusion As I have stated earlier, I believe Classroom Management is the key to an environment where students feel safe participating, and learning takes place. I hope to create an environment that is conducive to learning and involves all my students. The most important part of classroom management is not the behavior problems, but creating a good rapport with the students and encouraging them to succeed and setting high expectations for them. I believe creating a positive environment can limit undesired behaviors in the classroom.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Gattaca Why Vincent Has Exceeded His Potential Essays

Gattaca Why Vincent Has Exceeded His Potential Essays Gattaca Why Vincent Has Exceeded His Potential Paper Gattaca Why Vincent Has Exceeded His Potential Paper Gattaca is a science fiction film written and directed by Andrew Niccol. It is about a mans struggle to follow his dream despite being pre-determined by the society in which he lives to not be able to achieve it. Gattaca shows that people can in fact exceed the potential that society and their genes place on them. This is seen in the characters of Vincent and Director Joseph who both exceed their expected potential. Director Josephs claim that humans cannot exceed their potential when referring to the navigators at Gattaca is clearly false because Vincent and has infact exceeded his potential. Vincent is concieved naturally without the help of genetic engineering technology which gives geneticists the ability to choose, what genes they want to keep in the fetus and what genes they want to eliminate based on the parents choice and budget. Because he is concieved naturally which is considered an unorthodox form of reproduction by Vincents society, he is born with a high probability of many genetic problems and defects such as manic depression, attention deficit disorder, heart disorder, myopia and is born with a life expectancy of 30. years. As Vincent grows older he falls in love with the cosmos and decides to pursue a career in space but is quickly rebuked by his parents because of his inferior genetic characteristics specifically his heart disorder. Despite this negative feedback from his parents he decides to apply at Gattaca hoping that he wont be discriminated against because of his genetic profile. However Vincents hope shatters as his application is declined, and is forced to work as a cleaner at Gattaca. : When his fellow workmate asks him why he cleans the screen immacutely he responds arrogantly by saying If the glass is clean, itll be easier for you to see me when im on the other side of it. Because he is not following his dream, Vincent decides to become a barrowed ladder which is a person who uses the genetic identity of another for a purpose such as getting a particular job or in Vincents case getting into Gattaca. Vincent borrows the indentity of Jerome Morrow a professional swimmer born genetically engineered up to perfection. Jerome has been hit by a moving vechicle which has paralyzed him from the waist down and thus making him unable to swim anymore. Jerome Morrow supplies Vincent with blood, urine, hair and skin samples so that he is able to get into Gattaca. Vincent passes the interview which is a urine test, and quickly becomes one of Gattacas elite navigators and achieves his dream of going to space, despite being born with genes that pre-determined him to be lower and inferior member of society, he manages to chieve the impossible getting into a prestigious space academy and achieves his dream of becoming a space navigator. Vincent however is not the only one who has exceeded his genetic potential. In the society in which Vincent lives, the elite or the people with the perfect genome are considered to be not only genetically perfect but also morally perfect. An example of this is depicted vividly in the movie when Vincents eyebrow sample containing invalid genes is found near the crime of the murderer mission director. Vincent is quickly regarded as the main suspect in the crime simply because is an invalid a person born naturally through sexual intercourse. The assumption that is made is that people who are valids or people who have perfect genes cannot commit an imperfect immoral act such as murder and therefore the main suspect has to be by definition an invalid. This assumption however is false because the person responsible for the murder turns out to be Director Joseph himself. Director Joseph is a good example of a person who exceeds his potential by comiting an act of murder. Before Joseph is convincted of murder and while he was being questioned he told the detectives that There isnt a violent bone in my body which is a classic manifestation of what how Vincents society views people with perfect genes as morally perfect people. Because Direct Joseph has in a sense rebelled against his genes (assuming that morality is a genetic characteristic) he has exceeded his potential and proves that perfect genes does not necessarily equal high rectitude. In conclusion, the film Gattaca shows that people can and do exceed their potential. This is seen in the characters of Director Joseph and Vincent who both exceed the potential that society has given them. Vicent exceed his potential by getting into Gattaca even though he is born genetically inferior and considered a lower class member of society while Director Joseph exceeds his potential by commiting the act of murder which is not expected and not programmed in his genes.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Blackwater Draw - 12,000 Years of Hunting in New Mexico

Blackwater Draw - 12,000 Years of Hunting in New Mexico Blackwater Draw is an important archaeological site associated with the Clovis period, people who hunted mammoths and other large mammals in the North American continent between 12,500–12,900 calendar years ago (cal BP). When Blackwater Draw was first inhabited, a small spring-fed lake or marsh near what is now Portales, New Mexico was populated with extinct forms of elephant, wolf, bison, and horse, and the people who hunted them. Generations of many of the earliest occupants of the New World lived at Blackwater Draw, creating a layer cake of human settlement debris including Clovis (radiocarbon dated between 11,600–11,000 [RCYBP]), Folsom (10,800–10,000 years BP), Portales (9,800–8,000 RCYBP), and Archaic (7,000–5,000 RCYBP) period occupations. History of Blackwater Draw Excavations Evidence of the earliest occupation at what was to be known as the Blackwater Draw site was sent to the Smithsonian Institution in 1929, but full-scale excavation didnt happen until 1932 after the New Mexico roads department began quarrying in the neighborhood. Edgar B. Howard of the University of Pennsylvania Museum conducted the first excavations there between 1932–33, but he was hardly the last. Since then, excavators have included many of the best archaeologists in the New World. John L. Cotter, E. H. Sellards and Glen Evans, A.E. Dittert and Fred Wendorf, Arthur Jelinek, James Hester, and Jerry Harbour, Vance Haynes, William King, Jack Cunningham, and George Agogino all worked at Blackwater Draw, sometimes ahead of the sporadic gravel mining operations, sometimes not. Finally, in 1978, the site was bought by Eastern New Mexico University, who operate a small onsite facility and the Blackwater Draw museum, and to this day conduct archaeological investigations. Visiting Blackwater Draw Visiting the site is an experience not to be missed. In the intervening millennia since the prehistoric occupations of the site, the climate has dried out, and the remnants of the site now lie 15 feet and more below the modern surface. You enter the site from the east and wander down along a self-guided path into the depths of the former quarry operations. A large windowed shed protects the past and current excavations; and a smaller shed protects a Clovis-period hand-dug well, one of the earliest water control systems in the New World; and one of at least 20 total wells on-site, mostly dated to the American Archaic. The Blackwater Draw Museum website at Eastern New Mexico University has one of the best public programs describing any archaeological site. Go see their Blackwater Draw website for more information and pictures of one of the most important Paleoindian archaeological sites in the Americas. Selected Sources Andrews, Brian N., Jason M.  Labelle, and John D. Seebach. Spatial Variability in the Folsom Archaeological Record: A Multi-Scalar Approach. American Antiquity 73.3 (2008): 464–90. Print.Boldurian, Anthony T. Clovis Type-Site, Blackwater Draw, New Mexico: A History, 1929–2009. North American Archaeologist 29.1 (2008): 65–89. Print.Buchanan, Briggs. An Analysis of Folsom Projectile Point Resharpening Using Quantitative Comparisons of Form and Allometry. Journal of Archaeological Science 33.2 (2006): 185–99. Print.Grayson, Donald K., and David J. Meltzer. Revisiting Paleoindian Exploitation of Extinct North American Mammals. Journal of Archaeological Science 56 (2015): 177–93. Print.Haynes, C. Vance and James M. Warnica. Geology, Archaeology, and Climate Change in Blackwater Draw, New Mexico: F. Earl Green and the Geoarchaeology of the Clovis Type Site. Eastern New Mexico Contributions in Anthropology 15, 2012Seebach, John D. Stratigraphy and Bonebe d Taphonomy at Blackwater Draw Locality No. 1 During the Middle Holocene (Altithermal). Plains Anthropologist 47.183 (2002): 339–58. Print.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Contracts Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Contracts Law - Essay Example If this happens, it implies that the contact is executed. However, this is not usually the case. Many are times when one of the parties to contract does not fully commit themselves to the ultimate execution of the contract, prompting the other party to do away with it. In essence, such a contract becomes voidable. Moreover, the failure by one of the parties to the execution of a contact breaches it. In this regards, any contract, whose terms have been infringed by either of the parties, is eligible for legal settlement. Thus, courts are mandated to settle contract disputes. In so doing, the court may impose various remedies. Such remedies include but are not inclined to: cancelling the contact, specific performance, punishments as well as damages of various forms. There exist a profusion of cases where courts have settled contact disputes. To begin with, a celebrity artiste named Bruno Mars (whose real name is Peter Hernandez) sought a court intervention in a contract dispute with his publishing company. In this case, the publishing company had declined to let go of Mars on the grounds that he had not yet fully executed the terms of their contract. The next case involves Garland Coal who entered into a contract with Peevyhouse, allowing them to mine coal on Peevyhouse’s land with the agreement that they would restore it on the completion of the mining activities. On the contrary, Garland Coal left the land without rejuvenating it as agreed. This prompted Peevyhouse to sue Garland seeking damages of $25,000. Instead, the jury granted $5,000 to Peevyhouse instigating Garland to appeal in turn. From the holding and the ultimate ruling if the case, it is apparent that, as much courts are obliged to solve disputes arising from failure to fully execute a contract, they are bound to enforce the contract exclusively as it is. That is to say, the law has no intention to ameliorate a contract in any way. The enforcement of the